Things Everyone Should Know

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-It's okay to be heartbroken. We all will one day.

-Suicide is never an option.

-Running 2-3 time's a week can help you loose weight.

-Walk outside at least twice a day.

-Baths are always fun!

-Detoxify your face, body and soul.

-Drink green tea for clear skin.

-Cleaning your room will make you feel better.

-Be sure to organise EVERYTHING every 1-2 weeks.

-Making your bed will make your room look more tidy.

-For every netflix show you complete, read a full book.

-Don't half work, use 100%.

-Go above and beyond

-Stop changing your hair all the time.

-Treat yourself to a shopping spree twice a year.

-Shop for clothes when the seasons change.

-Keep your grades up.

-Exercise to be healthy, not skinny.

-Google things when you want to know something.

-Stop procrastinating and do it!

-Start taking care of yourself.

-You can only make YOU happy.

-Don't blame others FOR your mistakes.

-But don't blame yourself for others mistakes.

-Cut 👏🏻off 👏🏻those👏🏻negative👏🏻hoes👏🏻

-It's okay to cry!

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