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Y/N woke up and felt the bed move. She immediately turned her head and saw a boy with bunny ears trying to cover his body.

"cover... k-kookie" he said Y/N immediately understood and called Jin.

"what is it-OMG" Jin said with eide eyes. "Who is this and why is he naked?"

"its kookie... he's a hybrid" Y/N explained.

"k-kookie c-cold" Jungkook said he didn't have a problem with feeling cold when he was a bunny since he had fur.

"I get it... wait outside I'll get him dressed" Seokjin said and went to his room to get some clothes for Jungkook.

Y/N went out of the room and suddenly her phone rang. She answered the call only to hear a screaming Chaerin.

Taehyung turned into a human!!!!
what!? So did Kookie.

Jimin is trying to put some clothes on him I swear he's still cute he has orange hair though.

Jimin might ruin his innocence

I know! Thats why I'm taking care of Taehyung!

I have to go. Jin's calling me back in.

She ended the call with Chaerin and went in her bedroom.

Jungkook was dressed in a white shirt which was too big for him so it fell down his shoulder and ripped jeans both belonging to Jin.

"he's fine it was just hard to make him wear clothes" jin said "I already told mom she freaked out but she's fine"

"good. Kookie are you hungry?" She asked him.

"kookie hungry" he said smiling a cute bunny smile Y/N could see his cute front bunny teeth.

"is he allowed to eat normal food?" She asked Jin who wasn't really sure.

"I'll give you some carrots and lettuce just in case you turn into a bunny again" she said smiling at Jungkook and helping him stand.

"d-does k-kookie need to be last?" Jungkook asked since back in the hybrid shop bunnies fight for the food Yoongi puts into the cage. Jungkook most of the time goes last since there were too many bunnies.

"awh you don't need to worry about that here" Jin reassured "besides I want to protect you~"

"eomma Jin" Y/N mumbled laughing.

"Yah!" Jin yelled and kookie just smiled at the two.


In Chaerin's house

"Jimin are you done dressing him?!" Chaerin yelled after her phone call with Y/N.

"yah! Wait okay I'm doing my best since he keeps hissing at me" Jimin said after awhile Jimin opened the door.

"finally!" Chaerin said then Taehyung's ears perked up then hr immediately ran to Chaerin while hissing at Jimin.

"he obviously loves me more than you" Chaerin said laughing.

"aish. I'm not that bad besides he tried to scratch me" Jimin said

"thats because you're just cruel" Chaerin said "let's go Taetae I'll make you some breakfast~" she said smiling.

Girls and their pets... annoying besides I'm more cuter. Jimin thought.


Y/N sliced some carrots along witj lettuce and cucumbers since she knew Kookie was hungry.

Jungkook felt himself drool looking at the food.

she doesn't seem to be a bad owner Jungkook thought to himself.

"here you go Jungkookie" Y/N said placing the plate of food on the table while she and Jin ate their breakfast.

"good morning" Mrs Kim said going down the stairs her eyes widened looking at Jungkook.

"eomma he's the hybrid I've been talking about" Jin said.

"awww he is cute" his mother said smiling.


Jungkook covered his sensitive bunny ears.

"Jin be more quiet" Y/N said glaring at Jin "eomma we'll drop him off at Chaerin's since Taehyung her Hybrid can play with Kookie"

her mother nodded liking the idea soon Y/N was done and she got ready for school. Then she and Jungkook went to the Park's.

Jungkookie doesnt like being left alone Jungkook thought.

my cute bunny boy // JungkookXreaderWhere stories live. Discover now