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Yoongi and Jimin both shared a nice long kiss after they both admitted liking each other.

Jimin was sure that his mother wouldn't approve of their relationship so he asked Yoongi to keep it a secret for now.

"I understand chim but we have to face your mother soon" yoongi said and Jimin agreed.

"I'll walk you home Yoongi bear!" He said clinging to him like a Panda attached to bamboo Yoongi smiled a little he doesn't usually feel love inside but Jimin was an exception.

"I love you" Jimin said hugging him. He whispered the same words and pulled Jimin in another smooth kiss.

"you're way more beautiful than Minji" Yoongi said holding Jimin's waist as they walked. Jimin blushed.

finally. Jimin thought.

they walked to Yoongi's place hand in hand smiling at each other Jimin finally found love.

Who needs a girlfriend if there's Jimin? Yoongi thought smiling.

Namjoon was sitting in the university's lounge studying. Exams were happening that week and all he could think of was Eunha

the answer of this is...Eunha?! Namjoon focus! Exams you need to pass! He thought

the lounge doors opened to three girls walking in the room at first he didn't pay much attention to them and all but then he saw Eunha his eyes focused on her when se talked to her two friends.

"let's burn these books down I feel like it" Eunha said with a nasty intention.

"it would be fun let's run before the fire alarm strikes" Mina her friend said disabling the security camera in the room.

"yah what are you even doing! This is agaisnt school rules and you'll get in so much trouble for what you're doing right now" Namjoon said standing up trying to convince them that it was a bad idea to do their nasty plan.

"sorry Joonie but I do what I want and they want to do it too so get lost!" Eunha said lighting a book her two friends did the same opening their lighters and lighting up the books.

the fire alarm rang.

her two friends ran out the doors like their plan so did Namjoon but Eunha got caught in the flames and smoke in the room Namjoon rushed back in to find her.

"EUNHA!" He yelled and heard a slight scream from the back he rushed in with cloth on his head to protect him from flames he carried her bridal style out of the room as the fire spread burning the door.

she coughed out smoke. He was relieved she was okay the fire soon was put out by the fire department team.

Eunha...this isn't the way to make all those problems go away. Namjoon thought to himself wishing he could help.


Sorry for long time no updates im currently on vecation btw did you guys notice Taetae getting thinner lately? *pout*

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