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Yoongi was doing the usual working at the hybrid shop he was mumbling a tune to himself

the doorchime of the store rang and his eyes drifted towards the door.

It was Minji.

and Lisa.

with someone he didnt know. A guy.

"Yoongi I have to tell you something" Minji said the guy was behind her.

"what is it? And who is he?" He asked.

"Yoongi I know you have feelings for me but I love someone else" she said holding the guy's hand.

"what...Minmin you didn't tell me about this" he said trying to hold his tears in of course he wanted Minji to be his but he was too late.

"I'm so sorry Yoongi but ket's be friends okay?" She said and he nodded then she smiled and she and the guy both left.

Yoongi cried his heart out.

he wanted to turn to someone someone who he trusts. Just then he remembered one person who he trusts a lot.

Jimin. He thought.


Jimin was sighing watching random news on the TV it was after school and he was bored.

he hated the thought of this girl liking Yoongi or Yoongi liking the girl he called yesterday

and the memories of what she said to him especially that one nickname she most probably have given to Yoongi.

Yoongi bear. He thought to himself

he liked the nickname he thought it suited Yoongi and that it was very cute.

he wishes that he could call Yoongi that name he would love that so much.

If only he liked me. He thought sighing.

just then Jimin's train of thoughts were interrupted by loud door knocking he thought maybe it was aother prank by the neighbor's kid or something and groaned when he got up to open it never actually expecting who was behind that door frame.

he opened the door and it revealed Yoongi.

Yoongi?! I didnt excpect him! He thought

Jimin pulled himself together and put on a smile for Yoongi.

"hi Yoon what's up" he said

"can I come inside sorry for coming like this on short notice chim I just need a friend and some advice right now actually" he said sighing Jimin opened the door more and escorted him inside the house.

"it's okay Yoon tell me what's wrong?" He asked him Yoongi sighed and nodded.

"there's this girl that I like and she has someone else now...it hurts me so much but I have to be happy for her" he said tears falling down his cheeks.

Jimin wiped the tears.

"it's okay Yoon. You'll find someone better anyway" he said. Like me. Jimin thought.

"you're right chim can I stay over?" He asked and Jimin nodded smiling at him.


Sorry long time no update 🙁 Im currently on vecation sorry Ill be back to updating quicker when I get back home

my cute bunny boy // JungkookXreaderWhere stories live. Discover now