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after school Y/N placed the bunny on her bed she regretted bringing Kookie at school when it could be dangerous for him.

"I'm sorry for bringing you" she said when she tried to touch him he suddenly turned into a human-bunny.

"s-sorry" he said covering himself with the blanket.

"its alright I'll call Jinnie oppa" she said walking outside knowing her brother would be sitting in the living room watching dramas she always laughs at how he cries at sad parts.

"Jin oppa!!!" She yelled going down the stairs. Jin groaned and paused his drama.

"what it it?" He said in annoyance.

"can you get Kookie dressed? Please" she said sitting on the couch and acting cute which she knew Jin can't resist.

"Aigooo fine only because you're cute" he said standing up "don't watch my drama keep it on pause got that?"

"Ne oppa" she said after he left she immdiately turned the drama back on she laughed at how Jin was obssesed with love stories and romance.

after awhile Jin came down with Jungkook now fully dressed. It came up to a part where there is a kiss scene. Jungkook simply looked at it innocently.

"AISH! Now I have to watch the whole thing again since I don't know when I ended also you spoiled the scene!!!" Jin said he hates spoiling.

"Y/N...w-what's the th-ing they d-o with their l-ips K-kookie dont know" he said stuttering Y/N didn't realize how innocent her little bunny hybrid was. Jin was shook.

"its for older people Kookie" Jin calmly explained he didn't want to wreck the cute bunny's innocence.

"o-okay Jinnie hyung" he said as Y/N giggled while preparing Kookie's food.


at Euntae's house Hobi had turned human and Namjoon, Euntae's brother was trying to dress him.

"aish Namjoon oppa you broke my doorknob again!" Euntae said "you always break things eomma will be mad"

"she's not here she's in Japan for a meeting she'll never know pabo" he said and managed to get J-hope in a shirt and jeans which were both his of course.

"Aish fine thank you anyway for helping me with Hobi" she said as Hobi wagged his tail cutely.

"Awww I swear he's too cute" she said

"Euntae I'm hungry" J-hope said smiling shyly as Namjoon and Euntae fell in love with his cuteness.

"aww don't worry me and oppa will get something for you to eat" Euntae said she went downstairs followed by the two. She placed some meat in a plate and placed it in front of her hybrid.

"he's too cute" Namjoon mumbled jealous od how much attention Hobi got from Euntae.

"yah oppa admit you are not cute at all" she said smirking evil like.

"I am" he said rolling his eyes. Euntae laughed knowing Namjoon had bad aegyo. She couldn't resist Hobi's cute eyes looking at her.

Just then a noise was heard. Namjoon broke a plate while trying to get food for himself Hobi jumped and immediately hid behind Euntae shaking in fear.

"aish Namjoon keep it down you're scaring Hobi" she said

"I know sorry" he said

Aish oppa always breaking things. She thought


sorry for not updating in so long 😭

my cute bunny boy // JungkookXreaderWhere stories live. Discover now