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It was after lunch Y/N, Chaerin, and Sana had the same class which was math. And they hated the subject as well as the strict teacher.

"class. We will begin our lesson in calculus no noise or else" the teacher Mrs.Min said strictly.

Jungkook peeked his small fluffy head out of the backpack. He was observing the class wondering what they're doing.

"Y/N! Kookie's head is peeking out" Sana said eyes widened since the teacher was walking towards them monitoring the class.

"Jungkook please keep your head down" she whispered to the bunny Jungkook lowered his small head out of view.

"miss Park. Why aren't you doing the worksheet I gave?" Mrs Min said in a tone that everyone was scared of the entire class was looking until Mrs Min shot a glare at them and they immediately resumed their work.

"I was just about to do it" she said the teacher shot her a peircing glare before walking away to monitor the other students. Chaerin gave her a thumbs up from her seat.

inside the bag, Jungkook had the urge to do his buisness...but he can't since his owner might get angry. Hurry up kookie wanna go to the litter box he thought.

the class dragged on for about 20 mins before the bell rang. Jungkook was in an uncomfortable position and he wanted to do his buisness already.

Y/N went out of the classroom. She heard tiny noises from her backpack...Kookie must want to use the litter box. She thought.

Since there were no teachers around Y/N unzipped her bag and saw the uncomfortable bunny. "Aww sorry Kookie I'll take you outside wait for a bit" she said and the bunny nodded.


once outside she smiled at how cute the bunny was when he was in a hurry he hopped towards the grass. So cute she thought

after awhile Y/N heard a teacher coming so she grabbed kookie and placed him in the bag. There was a hole in her front pocket Nayeon made earlier so that Jungkook could breathe.

"why are you outside miss Park" the teacher asked her.

"I was just passing by on my way to class" she said smiling the teacher nodded and told her to go to her class already since she might be late.

that was so close she thought.

her phone beeped.

From : Princess Jin

You brought Jungkook to school?!

To : Princess Jin

He hopped in my bag. I can't get mad at him he's just too cute

From : Princess Jin

fine. Just don't get caught

she turned off her phone and headed to class she had English as a last subject and she liked that subject since she was good in English.

"Park Jimin please read your report" the teacher said and Jimin shook his head telling her he didn't do it.

"detention" she said Jimin was used to it already after all he never does his school work.

I wonder if he'll graduate. Probably not. Y/N thought.

After class she walked home. "We did it Kookie" she said smiling.


I kennat believe I got this done 😂 I had to republish this because there was something wrong I'll post 17 tomorrow ❤️

my cute bunny boy // JungkookXreaderWhere stories live. Discover now