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Jungkook woke up with a headache he still thought he was in that bathroom stall.

he started to scream until he realized he wasn't in the washroom stall anymore rather he was in his own room, in his house.

"omo! Jungkookie are you okay?" Y/N asked she went in with some chopped vegetables in a bowl for the bunny to eat.

"yes, what happened?" He askedz

"Jimin oppa said he found you in a washroom stall Kookie mind explaining?" She asked the bunny who was already nibbling on a carrot.

"k-kookie got hurt" he said with teary eyes Y/N hugged him telling him it's okay.

"I will make sure that no one hurts you just don't scare me like that okay?" She said and he nodded wiping his tears.

"now you cutie let's get you in a bath" she said giggling when Jungkook shook his head since he hated baths.


Jimin called Yoongi over to his house the next day which was a Saturday.

he opened the door to see the boy he somehow liked.

"h-hi Yoongi" he said gesturing for him to come inside the house.

"thanks for inviting me chim" he said.

"what do you want to do?" Jimin said as they sat on the couch.

"let's play some games" he said picking up a console that Jimin had on his couch.

"okay then" Jimin said with his eye smile.

just then Yoongi's phone rang.

"Yoon your phone is ringing" he said and Yoongi said a 'thanks' before looking at his phone.

Minji 😘 is calling

Accept or decline?

Hi Yoongi bear!

minmin? Why are you calling?

I'm working on a project today I wish I could see you again Yoongi bear

it's okay min. Let's hang out tomorrow what about that?

okay! I'm too excited Yoon! I have to go bye! Kisses from me

Bye Minmin thanks for the kisses

Yoongi ended the call and Jimin felt something inside him. Jealousy.

"who was that?" Jimin asked.

"it was my...um crush Minji" he said Jimin's smile completely faded.

"is there anything wrong?" Yoongi asked.

"no n-nothing is w-rong I hope you two get together" jimin said stuttering then they played the game.

Why can't you like me too? He thought he was burning with jealousy.


Yoonmin 😍

my cute bunny boy // JungkookXreaderWhere stories live. Discover now