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Jin was busy watching his favorite drama when the doorbell rang. He groaned since well...interrupting his drama time and also he had a face mask on his face.

he opened the door and his eyes widened and the remote fell from his hands.

"K-Kim Namjoon?!" He yelled and Namjoon slightly flinched. He couldn't believe Namjoon was at his house and on his front door.

"um...hi? Jin hyung are you going to let me in or keep me out here forever?" He said witha chuckle and Jin blushed slightly. Then he remembered he was still wearing his face mask. He felt too embarassed about it.

Why did I have to put this mask on now?! He's looking at me er...my face! Jin thought.

"n-ne come inside" he said opening the door wider for the tall boy to walk in.

"Jin oppa! You left the faucet on and now my poor sweet Kookie is all wet!" Y/N shouted while going down the stairs with the shivering bunny boy hugging her with a cute pout on his plump pinkish red lips.

"yah! Shh shut up!" Jin said blushing a deeper shade of red. He mouthed "someone is here let's talk about this later" and "stop embrassing me!"

she snorted and laughed. "What's that on your face?" She asked while laughing.

"nothing! Namjoon hyung excuse me for a little bit..." Jin said then ran to the bathroom to wash the face mask off his face.

I CALLED HIM HYUNG?! HE'S YOUNGER THAN ME! UGH STUPID STUPID JIN! he thought. Namjoon was making him flustered.

"aish it's alright if you have the face mask on you" Namjoon said behind him he jumped and then composed himself and stayed calm. It's just Namjoon in my bathroom. It's Completely normal Jin....NOT! This is never normal who sneaks around watching people do their business in the bathroom! He thought.

"so I came here so that we could have a little chat you know get to know each other?" Namjoon said to him. Truth is he may have liked Eunha but there was something about Jin that he couldn't get out of his mind. Something rare...something quite special about this male.

"s-sure let's go talk in the cafe nearby our house...n-not here it's a bit hot?" He said his cheeks burning red.

Namjoon chuckled and pinched his cheeks. "sure princess I know it's hard not to feel hot and blush when I'm with you in such a small small place" Namjoon said with a smirk he walked away and Jin was left in awe.

"EW JINNIE HYUNG HAS COOTIES NOW!" Jungkook said to Y/N who just laughed hard Jin blushed even harder.

What is Namjoon doing to me?!! Jin thought.


Just a cup of Namjin and a cube of cute Kookie being an innocent bean 😅


might be publishing a new book I hope you will like 😇

my cute bunny boy // JungkookXreaderWhere stories live. Discover now