64 (part 4)

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Soobin and Y/N were busy talking about future plans after school while waiting for the food to arrive.

They didn't notice two fluffy ears behind a potted plant beside the door.

Kookie fwinding out what you uwp two Swoobin. He thought


40 minutes earlier
At Y/N's house

Jungkook was bored since Y/N went to have a 'date' with Soobin the hybrid was very jealous and annoyed by this.

He wanted to yell at Soobin to tell him to stay away from Y/N. His Y/N.

"why can't he just flirt with someone else?!" Jungkook groaned while tossing a cute penguin stuffed toy across the room in anger.

"Y/N mwine" he said to himself.

Then a small idea popped up into the hybrid bunny's head.

What if Kookie spies on their hang out...Kookie will know what happens hihi smwart bwun bwun is mwe

He rushed to grab a jacket and do his shoes and left the house a few moments later he was already walking towards the cafe.


"so I really would love to get in a good univerisity" Soobin said "my eomma wants me to do well"

"that's nice she seems really sweet" Y/N replied "I would love to meet her, she seems to be a good person"

"oh she really is, one time I fell down the stairs when I was 8 and cried, she kissed my cut and told me not to cry" Soobin said sharing a story.

"that's nice of her aigoo she really is a good mom" Y/N said with a smile.

Nwo why is Y/N smiling over that jerk. Oops bwad word. Jungkook thought.

Jungkook was busily watching them and listening into their conversation, already getting bored.

"well it's getting late maybe Jungkookie would miss me hehe I should really get back home" Y/N said.

"oh you're already going? But it's still quite early...maybe you want to walk around town for a bit? Or let me walk you home" Soobin offered with a smile.

"oh it's alright aigoo it's no big deal I can walk hom myself but thank you" she said grabbing her purse and turning to leave.

"w-wait!" Soobin said.

"what is it? Did I leave something?" She asked him.

"more like I need to tell you something very important..." he said quietly.

"just tell me in school" She said worried about Jungkookie being all alone in the house. "Jungkook might worry where I am" she said

Ooh she really really does care! He thought smiling already inside.

Come on...Soobin you can do this. Just tell her how you feel and kiss her. Just that. He thought.

"Y/N...you see um..." he started.

"what? Aigoo I really really have to go" she said turning to leave again, but Soobin grabbed her hand.

"huh? What's this about?" She asked very confused.

"Y/N...I-I like you a lot" he said her eyes met his.

"O-oh what? Sorry but I-" she starts but suddenly he pulls her into a kiss.

Jungkook ran out of the cafe with tears in his eyes. It was raining cats and dogs too.

She pushed him off. "yah...don't do that it's really really straightforward and I didn't even give you permission to do that" she said

"sorry...I just thought you'd be okay with it" he sighed.

"Thanks for tonight really...but I just want to be friends...I really appreciate you as a friend nothing more...I'm really sorry for ruining your hopes...uh see you" she said and went out.

I'm sorry too Y/N. Soobin thought.


FINALLY I UPDATED :( I WROTE THIS AROUND TWO WEEKS AGO BUT MY WATTPAD IS ANNOYINGLY ACTING WEIRD. it wouldnt let me publish anything ㅠㅠ hope you enjoyed I love ya'll ❤️

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