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Jungkook was walking in the back garden amazed by all the flowers. He didn't know hw was being watched.

"Kookie? Where are you?" Y/N called

"I'm here" Jungkook said chasing a butterfly. "awe so cute" Y/N said smiling as she watched Jungkook sniff the flowers.

"I'll go get you some treats be a good bunny for me okay?" She said and he nodded still having his attention the butterfly.

Target found. Sehun thought

as soon as Y/N left Jungkook was still chasing the butterfly to some bushes suddenly it flew over the fence and Jungkook frowned.

"hi there little bunny" Sehun said suddenly appearing in front of him.

"who are you?" Jungkook asked

"a friend" he said smirking. "Kookie don't trust strangers! Y/N-" he started to shout when a cloth was pushed in is mouth containing a drug.

Soon after Y/N came back with treats for her bunny.

"Jungkook?" She called since she didn't see him. "KOOKIE!" She yelled again but no response.


back in Seoul Jin was watching dramas when the doorbell rang.

Who could it be? He thought then remembered he had a drama date with Soohyun.

he opened the door to see the girl he was crushing on smiling in front of him. His heart went crazy.

"h-i" he stuttered not knowing what else to say.

"what are we watching today?" Soohyun asked laughing a little at Jin's nervousness.

"I am not a robot" Jin said "come in" Soohyun followed him inside amazed by the house they both sat down on the couch and Jin played the drama on the TV.

"I love this drama" she said. "me too" Jin said blushing a little since she was close to him.

suddenly his phone rang rather loudly.

Incoming call from Y/N

Accept or decline

Jin pressed accept annoyed that his sister would call on his date.


"what?! I'm in the middle of a date here!"

"that's not important right now! Kookie is missing!"


"I KNOW! Eomma is calling the police about it"


"shut up aren't you on a date?! My ear is hurting!"

"yeah yeah. Sorry don't worry I'm sure they'll find Jungkook"

"I hope so"

"I have to go bye"

he ends the call.

"who is that?" Soohyun asked "nothing it's just my sister" jin replied.

Kookie...where are you? Jin thought to himself. Y/N must be worried.


Short update! The next one will be more exciting as Jungkookie's confession will be soon ❤️

my cute bunny boy // JungkookXreaderWhere stories live. Discover now