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Y/N is sitting next to her friends as usual during lunch chatting the time away while eating.

"you know there's a new student coming to the school?" Nayeon said giggling.

"what? Who is it?" Momo asked. Y/N also started getting curious at who this person might be.

"yes what's his name?" Sana asked them curiously.

"his name is Soobin" she said. Who is this Soobin? Y/N thought.

"well he's pretty cute but I'm gay" Momo said jokingly she and Sana always joked about being gay it was a thing they do in their group of friends.

Y/N and the rest laughed.

"I'm gay for you~" Sana said jokingly while giggling.

"hi you're Y/N right?" A guy with dark brown hair and big clear eyes smiled at her.

"omo!" Nayeon said but Tzuyu covered her mouth before she says anything about anything.

"yes that's me? Do you need anything?" She asked him nicely.

"my name's Soobin" he said flashing a smile.


Jungkook was running through the halway since his class was dismissed late and he wanted to see Y/N.

he walked into the cafeteria and saw the new student talking to Y/N his fur on his ears stood up and walked over there.

"I just wanted to give my number that's all Y/N" he said.

"ooh! Someone has an admirer!" Sana yelled at the top of her voice Y/N glared at her and pouted. And well Soobin just thought it was cute. He was actually very tall taller than Jungkook.

Jungkook then started scenting Y/N.

Hybrids scented the person they admire or like or in a relationship in it warns other hybrids not to touch his property

Mwine. He thought he was being very possesive over her.

"I'll think about it later Soobin" she said returning Jungkook's hug.

Jungkook hissed at him.

"aish calm down calm down don't worry I'm not going to let him date me" Y/N said and pecked his cheek.

Jungkook blushed red. The rest of Y/N's friends weren't helping and just teased them both.

"K-koo-I-I love you" he said and blushed even deeper covering his face. His tail twitched cutely because of the loving action from her.

he pecked her back on the lip then squealed.

"you cute little bunny!" Y/N giggled at his very cute action. She loved how he tries to say "I love you" yes, his third person way of speech was cute but she loved this too.

"cuddle me later?" She whispered and had a slight blush on her cheeks.

"y-yes kookie would love that" he said.

Kookie gets jelly (jealous) sowwy he thought.

Some jealous jungkook stuff hehe sorry I update too long I was studying for school sorry again love you guys! :)

my cute bunny boy // JungkookXreaderWhere stories live. Discover now