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Yoongi and Jimin were always hanging out and had a little skinship with each other.

one day Jimin went over Yoongi's apartment and they were there to hang out.

Jimin wished that Yoongi would notice his feelings and emotions for him Yoongi didn't seem to show any signs of pure love like a boyfriend or a girlfriend way.

"yah Yoon you fell asleep again" Jimin said giggling Yoongi groaned and smiled after since he didn't actually mind being woken up by Jimin.

actually he didn't know what he felt about Jimin most times it seemed like he was interested in him.

Minji was the only one who made him feel this way and it would never change.

Jimin pushed him a little to snap him out of this trance.

"sorry Yoon" he said nervously. "It's okay hehe sorry for zoning out"


it was school time for Jungkook and he was quite happy that non of his bullies bothered him that day.

he was singing a cute song to himself and giggling when he saw a cat chase a small rat.

"kookie!" Y/N said he immediately hugged her causing them to fall.

"kookie is sorry Y/N" he said shyly since they both fell over and is now at the white floors of the school hallways.

"aw it's okay you're too cute for your own good" she said smiling at him. "Nayeon unnie wants to play with you she also has a hybrid at home want to play?" She asked him.

"who?" Jungkook asked.

"her name is Jennie she's a bun like you so she'll surely love you kookie" Y/N said standing up Jungkook nodded and interlocked their fingers.

"you're so cute" she said pinching his cheeks he blushed and continued on walking.

"yah! Over here Y/N!" Nayeon yelled at the school gates she was waving her hands to get her attention.

"sorry unnie oh and Kookie said he'd love to play with Jennie today" she said and Naeyon sqealed and jumped around.

"thank you kookie! Jennie doesn't play with anyone bit me so it's nice that she could play with someone else for a change" she said "she's also a cute little bun like you!"

"okay noona" he said with his cute bunny smile that they adore.


Some fluff and Yoonmin
Edit : very sorry but I edited thisss I hope you understand that I didnt like the storyline here :< but yoonmin is always in my heart

my cute bunny boy // JungkookXreaderWhere stories live. Discover now