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they arrived at Chaerin's doorstep they both heard sobbing and yelling.

"what's happening in there?" Y/N asked Chaerin. Worried that it might be Kookie who's crying.

"Jimin must have upset Kookie or TaeTae I swear if he did he's going to die later" Chaerin said unlocking the front door with her key.

once they went inside they saw Kookie sobbing while Taehyung and Jimin trying to calm him down.

"what did you do Park Jimin!?" Y/N yelled glaring at Jimin. Once Jungkook heard Y/N talk he immediately ran towards her hugging her tightly.

"I did nothing!!! He just misses you so much" he said rolling his eyes.

"Taetae!!!" Chaerin said as she and Taehyung did a quick hug before the cat hybrid's eyes sparkled with happiness once he saw the collar Chaerin was holding in her hand.

"for me?" He asked cautiously.

"of course you wanted one right?" She said smiling at the hybrid who was trying to put the collar on while saying a lot of 'thank yous' to his owner.

Kookie kept hugging Y/N and crying into her shirt. "awww did you miss me?" She said petting him he smiled through tears because of this action he nodded his head shyly.

"K-kookie thought Y/N would l-leave k-ookie for s-someother h-ybrid and left him h-here" he said stuttering she quickly kissed him on the forehead saying. "dont worry I wont leave you"

"kookie s-cared" he said he was scared of being left alone without his owner for a long time he had grown attached to Y/N but he still can't express why his stomach felt like it had butterflies in it when she's there especially when she kisses or hugs him.

"lets get you home I have something to show you I'm sure you'll like it me and unnie picked it out" she said smiling at him and saying goodbye to Jimin and Chaerin who were bickering over who gets to take care of Taehyung tomorrow.


Euntae took her dog hybrid home she thought the name J-hope was cute since he was her little hope and she liked that.

she decided to give him a bath using the bath things she bought at the hybrid store she was sure it was safe since Yoongi the shop manager recommended it.

she filled the tub with warm water the perfect temptature for a dog hybrid. J-hope was a corgi dog hybrid which made him even more cuter with light brown fluffy fur.

"I'll put you in here okay?" She said gently trying not to scare the hybrid he was most probabaly confused in his new home.

the dog jumped in the tub creating a splash that made Euntae wet.

"yah! You naughty dog!" She said splashing water back at the hybrid laughing as the water fight began. It ended up to Hobi winning it.

"okay you win" she said laughing "now lets get you dry" she wrapped him in a towel and laughed at how his fur fluffed up she brushed it down making the hybrid look neat.

after dinner she placed him beside her on her bed and wrapped a mini blanket over the mow sleeping J-hope.

Maybe this is what's missing in my life she thought to herself and she slept with a grin on her face.


I didn't expect to finish this chapter bit here it is 😅

my cute bunny boy // JungkookXreaderWhere stories live. Discover now