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Jungkook was walking to school with Y/N and Chaerin his hyung still didn't get approval to go to school so he was worried that he'll be the only hybrid in school.

"Jungkook you're a grade lower than me and Rinnie unnie okay?" Y/N said "it's sort of because you need more time to learn since you never been to school" Chaerin said

"b-but Kookie's scared" he said whimpering slightly. "it's okay...you'll be okay call me on the phone eomma got you if you need me" Y/N said giving him a hug and Jungkook gave her a peck on the lips.

"we'll go on a date after school okay?" Y/N said and Jungkook nodded happily.

"Jungkookie tell the teacher if someone or something is bothering you okay?" Chaerin said in a loving tone. He nodded and smiled.

"Kookie thinks he's ready..." he said shyly. "okay then...I'll see you at lunch okay?" Y/N said they hugged one last time then separated ways.

Kookie hopes to get to see Y/N soon. He thought walking to room 304 his classroom.


everything was noisy and the students were busy gossiping and chatting with each other. The teacher came in with Jungkook walking behind her.

"please get settled down, class...we have a new student attending the school" the teacher said. People were gossiping and talking again about Jungkook.

his ears fell flat on his head. He hopes they would like him and treat him nicely.

"please introduce yourself" the teacher said and he nodded shyly. "hi! my name is Jungkook or you can call me Kookie!" he said cutely all the girls sqealed since he was so cute.

"SO CUTE!" a girl with ash blonde hair said

"he's like so adorable I want to hold him" another said.

"I LOVE HIM ALREADY" another girl said soon all the girls were calling him cute and adorable he was shyly hiding his face with his hands.

"what's the deal with him anyway?!" A guy spoke up. Jungkook got slightly scared of his harsh tone.

"he's just a little scared bunny" another guy spoke up.

"FREAK" most of the guys said while the girls fought with them insisting that Jungkook wasen't a freak.

"SILENCE" the teacher yelled Jungkook whimpered slightly.

"I don't care if you think he's not supposed to be here but...treat him like you treat the other students in this class" the teacher spoke all the students answered a 'yes maam' not wanting to get on the teacher's bad side.

"Jungkook please sit down next to Xiumin" she said and Xiumin raised his hand annoyed. He quietly sat down next to him.

"don't think at all we're friends" he said. Jungkook nodded a little afraid of him.


I decided to update again 😊

my cute bunny boy // JungkookXreaderWhere stories live. Discover now