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Jungkook was nevously sitting down in the principal's office waiting for the results for the test he took which determines whether he can attend school or not.

"Jungkook?" The principal said his name and he looked up.

"you passed the test with a 93% you're very smart since you're half...um bunny" she said "you have some problems with speaking but that's okay"

"so c-can k-kookie go to school?" He said and she nodded giving him the papers needed. He smiled and thanked her before leaving.

I hope no one judges that he's a bunny. The principal thought


It was lunch at Namjoon's university he was just eating food on a bench in front of the school when he heard yells and screams from the corridor.

"HELP!" a voice said he was getting beat up by Eunha and her other friends. They were
attempting to burn his skin with cigarettes.

"YAH! Stop doing that!" Namjoon yelled and pushed one of Eunha's friends who was about to hurt the student.

yes, Eunha was the most feared student in school both boys or girls fear her. Namjoon didn't care at this point he wanted to make her see she was wrong hurting others.

"what are you going to to about it then?!" Eunha said in a threatening tone. "I'm telling the teachers" he didn't want to use force since he couldn't bring himself to hit a girl with that Eunha and her friends left.

his attention was immediately turned to the boy on the ground he looked older than him then he remembered his name from class. Seokjin. Kim Seokjin. he thought.

"are you okay?" Namjoon asked Jin he helped him up. "Yes I'm fine thanks to you" he said

"you're the guy that's crushing on Soohyun right?" Namjoon said and he nodded. She's Jin's cousin which Namjoon didn't know.

"yes" he said "oh. Well good luck Namjoon" he said "and thankyou for helping" he said before leaving.


Jungkook got ready for school it was his first day and he was nervous and excited for it.

"you have your bag?" Y/N asked and he nodded after she helped him make his uniform neat and tidy to make a good impression.

"Kookie thank you" he said smiling with his bunny teeth peeking out cutely.

"of course, you're too cute my hearts going to melt" she said "go eat downstairs okay?"

Kookie can do this. He thought

Short update 💝

my cute bunny boy // JungkookXreaderWhere stories live. Discover now