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the next day Y/N decided to take her cute bunny to her grandfather's house in Busan since her family was planning to visit.

"Kookie never been to Bushwan before" he said cutely while Y/N was packing.

"aww you cutie it's Busan and I'm sure my grandparents would love you and your fluffy ears" she said smiling at him.

"can Kookie bring his plushie along?" He asked innocently and Y/N nodded "put it in your bag and we'll bring it"

"Yay! Thankyou!" He said Y/N smiled as she saw the active bunny boy run to his room to get the bunny plushie he loves so much.

the doorbell rang and Y/N's mother got it. "hi Mrs.Kim is Y/N home right now?" it was Chaerin with Taehyung.

"she is please come in we're about to leave but you can still spend some time together" her mother said and told them to go upstairs to Y/N's room.

"where's kookie?!" Taehyung said with his tail moving ik excitment.

"unnie?" Y/N said "why are you and Taehyung here?"

"we're here to help of course!" She said "Taehyung Kookie must be in his room right now" the cat hybrid nodded and started sniffing for his best friend's scent.

"thank you unnie...Kookie was being too cute I forgot what I was supposed to pack for the trip" Y/N said laughing.


meanwhile in Jungkook's room Taehyung found the room minutes ago since he smelled Jungkook's scent.

"so...you're leaving hyung here?" Taehyung said with a cute pout.

"it's only for three days hyungie! Kookie promises to be back" Jungkook said "Kookie feels weird feelings when near..."

"near who?" His hyung asked him.

"Y/N...Kookie feels weird when she kisses or hugs Kookie" he said

"you must be in...what did Chaerin call it again?...L-love?" Taehyung said not sure if he go it correctly or not.

"love? What's that hyungie?" The bunny boy asked curiously.

"I don't know but it sounds nice!" Taehyung said "we'll learn what it is soon Kookie..."

"Kookie hopes so" he said before stuffing his bunny plushie in his bag.


downstairs Jin was watching his dramas like usual and snacking on some chips on the couch. Then suddenly his phone beeped signaling he has a message from someone.

From : ***********

It's me Soohyun from last night I hope I'm not bothering you.

you changed *********** to Soohyun 💕

To : Soohyun 💕

no you're not bothering me at all...I was just watching some kdrama.

From : Soohyun 💕

oh! I really like dramas too let's watch together sometime.

To : Soohyun 💕


To : Soohyun 💕

I have to go now let's watch dramas tomorrow my adress is *************

From : Soohyun 💕

sure see you.

Jin was happy she actually said yes. No one stays long enough for his long k dramas.

I guess I'm falling for you Soohyun. He thought.


I promised this update 💕

my cute bunny boy // JungkookXreaderWhere stories live. Discover now