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Y/N went home after school to find her bunny boy sitting patiently on the doormat waiting for her.

"Y/N!" The bunny said excited, he hugged her and Y/N could tell how much he missed her all day.

"were you a good boy?" She asked him and he nodded Y/N then went to the kitchen and started to cut th carrots she bought earlier she placed them on Jungkook's feeding bowl and placed it in front of him.

"Kookie thank you!" Jungkook said then started eating the carrots Y/N smiled at his cuteness.

"aishhhhhhhh" Jin said he was on the TV again watching his favorite drama. The guy was about to break up with the girl and Jin was getting annoyed.

"I'D TREAT HER SO MUCH BETTER!" he yelled making Jungkook scared and tremble he hid underneath the couch. Y/N shot a glare at her brother.

"what?" He said then continued with the drama he was watching.

Y/N bent down to see Jungkook since he was under the couch. "Shhh it's okay I'm here don't be scared okay bunny?" She said gently.

"K-kookie s-cared of Jinnie h-hyung's voice" he said Y/N saw fresh tears on her bunny boy's eyes.

"he didn't mean it okay Kookie?" Y/N said explaining to the hybrid. He nodded and went out of the couch. Y/N's phone suddenly beeps.

Incoming call from Rinnie unnie ❤️
accept or decline


"hi why are you calling me?"

"Minji and I are going to the mall to go shopping plus she has a date" Y/N could hear the fangirling in her voice.

"oh okay I can't wait I'll bring Kookie"

"okay see you bye bye~"

She ended the call and went to look for her bunny hybrid.

"Jungkookie do you want to go with me to the mall today?" She asked him hoping he'll say yes but she kinda already knew his answer would be yes since he follows her everywhere.

"of course! Wait Kookie will change!" he said running towards his room to get change as fast as possible.

after awhile he went out of his room in an oversized red hoodie that he asked Y/N to buy even though it was too big for him and jeans.

"awww you're too cute" Y/N said and Jungkook pouted. "I'm not cute" he said Y/N giggled and opened the door for them ignoring Jin's screams from the living room.


Soon they arrived at the mall and met up with Y/N's friends.

"omo! How do I look?" Minji said nervously. Chaerin and her spent hours finding the right clothes and styling her hair to look good for Yoongi, Minji had a crush on him since she saw him in the hybrid shop.

"you look pretty Minmin unnie!" Y/N said

"really?" She asked Y/N nodded Kookie then tugged on Y/N's sleeve Y/N almost forgot he was there.

"sorry Kookie" she said as Minji went off to her date. "let's go I really need new clothes" Chaerin said smiling.

in the store Y/N and Chaerin were busy looking for clothes with Jungkook. He said he would try on some clothes and went to the dressing room little did he know someone was watching him.

enjoy it while it lasts Jungkook. You will be mine. Sehun thought watching the bunny boy go towards the dressing room.


Update 💕

THIS WEEK IS EXAM WEEK HUHUHUHU 😭 I hope I'll get good grades especially MATH.

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