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after packing they said goodby to Taehyung and Chaerin and went off to the train station.

"the train will be here any minute now" Y/N's mother said.

"this is Kookie's first time to ride a train!" Jungkook said excitedly his ears perking up.

"what a cute hybrid you got there" a man said "oh. Thankyou" Y/N said not knowing if the person was dangerous or not.

"how much?" The man asked "how much what?" Y/N's mother said

"do I have to pay to get him" the man asked sqeezing Jungkook's cotton tail making him whimper.

"yah! Don't touch him" Y/N said "sir he is not for sale please leave before I call the police" Y/N's mother said strictly. The man walked away.

"K-kookie is scared" he said stuttering and hugging Y/N tight.

"aw it's okay the train is here we have to leave no is going to hurt you as long as I'm here" Y/N said and they both followed Y/N's mother on the train.

Jungkook fell asleep on Y/N's lap in bunny form. Aw cute she thought.


after awhile they soon arrived a Y/N's grandparent's house in Busan.

"halmeoni!!!" Y/N said hugging her. Her grandmother smiled.

"who's this dear?" She asked "oh it's my hybrid Jungkook or you can call him kookie" she explained as her mom went inside the house.

"I'll go cook dinner with your mother go ahead and make Kookie a good bath he needs one" her grandmother said laughing.

"Kookie wants to bath!!!" Jungkook said smiling. Y/N and her grandmother laughed Y/N went in the bathroom and turned on the water making sure it is warm enough for Jungkook.

"Kookie can't wait! Can we put a bath bomb? It smells nice" Jungkook said Y/N nodded and placed a light blue bath bomb with glitter.

Jungkook's eyes widened as the water changed color and he immediately went in.

"Kookie likes this" he said splashing the water Y/N laughed and splashed him back.


Yoongi was once again thinking about Minji it's been awhile since they last talked to each other. He decided to call her.


"hi minji I was wondering if you were doing anything?"

"I'm studying but I'd love to go there tomorrow I need a new collar for Lisa"

"I can pick one out for you"

"aw really? Thank you! Call you later"

"okay bye"

Yoongi smiled when he ended the call.


Sorry for the short chapter 😭

my cute bunny boy // JungkookXreaderWhere stories live. Discover now