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Y/N was walking home with Chaerin. She was chatting about their trip to Japan. They were going to bring Taehyung over to Y/N's so he could play with Jungkook.

"you should have seen Jimin's face it was so funny he was so scared" Chaerin said laughing while showing at picture of a terrified Jimin.

"he got scared when Taehyung pounced at him?" Y/N said laughing along. It was rare seeing Jimin scared.

"yes!!! Me and Taehyung just laughed at him he doesn't know I have a picture" Chaerin said with an evil smile. "I'll use this to blackmail him"

"I wish I had one of Jin oppa" Y/N said they were approaching the house when they heard screaming and shouting. No it can't be. JUNGKOOK! She said running towards her house with Chaerin behind her and Taehyung running in front since he was part cat he was faster.


"HELP KOOKIE!!!!" Jungkook screamed. The guy placed the rope too tight around his wrists.

"shut up" the guy said in a harsh tone which made Jungkook go silent.

"c-can you please l-et Kookie go" he said stuttering he was terrified of this unknown person that just suddenly broke in the house. Mrs. Kim was not home since she had a meeting, Jin was at the university and Y/N was at school he was scared.

"pathetic" the guy said proceeding to slap Jungkook this was a very wrong move since it only made him cry more.

If he makes this much noise I'll be caught for sure. He thought.

Then the guy harshly pulled him by the collar and placed a ball gag on him to keep him quiet since his task was to bring Kookie to his boss's house for some money.

Kookie wants Y/N. If this is the end of Kookie Kookie wants a last hug from Y/N. He thought.

suddenly the door burst open.


"LET GO OF MY BUNNY" Y/N yelled the guy immediately grabbed his pocket knife. Hoping that it would drive away Y/N and the others. But it didn't work.

Taehyung pounced on the guy scratching his face. The guy was terrified Taehyung was Jungkook's bestfriend of course he would be mad.

The guy gathered his things and prepared to run with Kookie when Y/N pinned him to the ground the guy's knife cut her hand causing her to let go so he managed to escape the house leaving Kookie.

"Omo!!! Kookie are you okay?" Y/N said moving closer to him Chaerin untied the bunny boy and took off his gag.

"Y/N!!! kookie was scared!" He yelled his eyes filled with hot tears.

"it's okay, i'm here now so don't cry" she said hugging him soon Jungkook felt much better and stopped crying.

"Yah!" Thank me too" Taehyung whined.

"Thankyou TaeTae-hyung" Jungkook said smiling innocently at his hyung.

"Lets get you both fixed up and then we'll eat"  Chaerin said and she laughed at how their ears perked up when she mentioned food and treats.


A short update 😇 sorry if its really short I'll do a longer one next thankyou smmm for the 1.51k reads ❤️

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