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Y/N headed home with Jungkook who was slightly limping. She was worried that he got hurt badly.

"you okay now?" She asked him.

"y-yes kookie is okay" he said nervously playing with his fingers.

"let me kiss your cheek" Y/N said as she kissed his bruised cheek "feel better now?" She asked and he shyly nodded with a light pink blush on his cheeks.

"let's take care of the rest of them okay?" Y/N said as she aided Jungkook.

"Kookie thank you" he said cutely Y/N giggled at his cuteness.

"I'm home" Seokjin said opening the door with someone following behind him.

"who's this?" Y/N asked.

"she's Soohyun my um...new girlfriend" Jin said blushing as Soohyun giggled and kissed his cheek.


Jin was bored all day he had nothing to do since Namjoon was busy with somethings.

He turned on a drama and it reminded him of when Soohyun would come and watch dramas with him.

He knew he was already in love they have known each other for quite awhile now.

the doorbell rang and Jin got up from the couch to open the door.

"what is it?" He said opening the door it revealed Soohyun who he brought inside the house.

"I was wondering if you were free?" She asked and Jin nodded turning on the drama he was watching.

they watched till it was late then the kiss scene came up.

Its now or never Seokjin he thought of using this as a chance to admit his feelings.

The kiss scene was on and Jin suddenly kissed Soohyun.

"I-I love you ever since we met and started hanging out" he said after the kiss.

"I also...have feelings for you" she said admiting it.

"REALLY?" Jin asked and she nodded laughing at his cuteness.

"so can we date?" He asked

"of course Jinnie!" She said laughing as Jin jumped around.


"okay? Jin oppa I swear no dirty things or I'm killing you for ruining my bunny's innocence" Y/N said.

"aish I won't ruin little Kookie's innocence" he said "oh and Kookie how was school?" He asked.

"bad meanies hurt kookie!" He said crossing his arms. "they were scary and big" he said and Soohyun went to him and hugged him.

"awe it's okay.." she said "I'm sure Y/N will take good care of you" she said and he nodded moving over to Y/N's lap.

"I'm going to make dinner since eomma isn't home" Jin said he left the kitchen with Soohyun following him.

Jungkook was asleep in Y/N's lap she smiled as she played with his hair.


Congrats Jin 😂

my cute bunny boy // JungkookXreaderWhere stories live. Discover now