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the man was staring at Jungkook like he was something that he could kill and the bunny boy was shaking and scared.

"p-please let kookie go.." he said with his small voiceb the man had no mercy and did not show any on his face he was on the phone calling some clients while poor Jungkook cried softly.

he blacked out from crying.


the next morning he was wrapped in a fluffy white blanket he poked his head out of the fluffy covers and saw Y/N there crying hard.

"J-Jungkookie?" She said.

"Y/N..." he said tearing up he had no idea how he got back to her but he did.

"h-how did kookie end up here?" He asked her.

"the police found you in a cage...in an old apartment complex...they called me and now I'm here" she said hugging him tightly.

"you injured your leg...so please rest my baby" she said smiling at him he nodded and buried his face on her chest lovingly.

"I lwub you" he said smiling cutely.

"aw I love you too" she said smiling. For her he was most precious more precious than anything much more meaning than stars or all the riches in the world. He was...

Special. She thought.

he snuggled on her blushing red. He loved her scent and wanted more. She pulled him closer and smiled wider she draped the blanket over them and told him to sleep.

"Kookie nwo wanna sleep" he said pouting like the cute bunny he is.

"aish you need it you've been through a lot okay?" She said with a loving look.

in no time at all he fell asleep on her lap and she too fell asleep on him sharing a blanket.


Police station 11pm

the police sat down in front of the man that kidnapped Jungkook. He was going to ask some questions.

"so what was your intentions on kidnapping a hybrid?" The police question then continued "Park Jihoon"

"he was cute...and I needed money" he said "i didn't mean to be that harsh" "i was forced"


Jungkook woke up the next morning smelling the scent of honey and sugar cookies.

"morning Jungkook" Y/N's mother said placing a tray of hot water mixed with honey and a plate of strawberry pancakes with some sugar cookies.

"wow! Kookie loves cookies!" He squealed then stuffed them in his mouth.

"kwookie wamt mmore" he said slightly muffled from all the cookies in his mouth.

"aish eat your breakfast before more cookies" Y/N said smiling at him.

he pouted cutely.

"oh alright" she said she couldn't resist his pout and especially those cute bunny sparkle eyes he does all the time when he really really wants something from her.

"yway! Thankie!" He said grabbing more and stuffing them in his mouth.

Y/N then tied a pastel pink ribbon around his neck. "it's cute right?" She said smiling.

"kwookie loves it! Kookie wanna wear it to school please?" He said hugging her thigh.

"aish no they'll bully you" she said not wanting her precious bunny to get hurt again she remembered the past bullying incidents and of course, she cared for him deeply.

"okay...kookie understands" he said still hugging her thigh like the world depended on it. She laughed.

"what's swo funny?" He asked.

"aish you look like a cute dumpling hugging me" she said giggling at him he pouted and slept on her thigh. She caressed his cheeks and smiled lovingly.

So precious. She thought.


Hello guyseu sorry long time no updates! I was sick and needed some time hope you guys understand I'll publish a longer chapter I ❤️ all of you!

my cute bunny boy // JungkookXreaderWhere stories live. Discover now