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the next morning Y/N opened her eyes to a bunny Kookie. It was strange since he usually turns into a human-bunny during the day.

"Kookie?" She said placing the small ball of fluff in her hand. She realized that Jimin and Chaerin went to Japan to visit relatives leaving Taehyung with Mrs. Park.

who's going to take care of Kookie? I can't let Mrs. Park do it since she might be busy. She thought.

she thought it over and decided to bring Kookie to school since it was the only option she had. besides he's less trouble when he's in bunny form.

"Kookie I'm bringing you with me since no one's going to take care of you if I leave be a good bunny for me okay?" She said the little bunny made cute noises as if he was saying yes.

"I'll take that as a yes you better behave or I'm not going to give you treats later" she said the bunny quickly nodded its head. Y/N thought it was so cute.

she got ready for school and placed Kookie in a small pet carrier the school allowed pets since teachers liked pets a lot so it was fine to bring Kookie.


Y/N went inside the school looking for her group they call themselves Twice they weren't as popular as the other groups in school but they loved hanging out with each other thats where she met Chaerin.

"Nayeon unnie!!!" She shouted Nayeon turned towards Y/N with a smile on her face.

"Y/N aish you've been so busy with your bunny its almost impossible to hang out" she said with a pout.

"aish unnie don't act cute! It's not my fault Kookie is way more adorable then you" Y/N said laughing "I brought kookie today"

"oh that explains the pet carrier. Can I please touch him" she said. Y/N nodded in agreement then Nayeon opened the carrier and her hand was met with fluffy white fur.

"OMOOOOO HE'S TOO FLUFFY" she screamed making the other students look at them.

"don't shout aish" Y/N said trying to calm her best friend down "besides you're scaring Kookie" she said petting the trembling bunny telling him it's okay.

"sorry" Nayeon said.


at lunchtime all the Twice members wanted to hold Kookie but Y/N said only touch him since bunnies easily get scared.

"awwww he's too cute" Sana said. She was very attracted to cute and fluffy things. 

"more like ugly" Minyu said laughing. Jungkook hissed at her.

"and its is just weak and pathetic" she said.

"don't talk about him like that!" Y/N yelled at Minyu the others also yelled at her.

"I can tell you're a bad owner this bunny doesn't even have manners" she said rolling her eyes.

At this Jungkook hissed at her and bit her hand  Minyu yelled and threw the bunny and he landed on the floor.

"Jungkook!!!!" Y/N screamed Minyu already walked away as if nothing happened she picked up Jungkook she was relieved that his heart's still beating.


I wrote this in the car 😂

my cute bunny boy // JungkookXreaderWhere stories live. Discover now