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Jungkook and Y/N were at the nearby park she giggled as she watched Jungkook play in the grass trying to catch bugs.

"Y/N lookie! I got it" he said giggling he had a butterfly in his hands then suddenly it moved and he accidentally let go of it

he pouted.

"kookie took a long long time to catch that" he said crossing his arms thinking that the butterfly hated him and didn't want him to catch it.

"aw it's okay kookie you're so cute trying to catch the butterfies" she said hugging him tightly to make sure he gets warm from the cold weather outside.

"Y/N i'm going to catch that one" he said giggling when he saw a red lady bug on a leaf he changed into bunny form and crawled in the grass trying to be as quiet as possible to not make the lady bug fly away.

he jumped and changed back into a human and caught it he smiled and giggled running back go Y/N to show her what he just caught.

"Y/N lookie!" He started saying until he accidentally fell down because of a rock and hurt his knee.

"ow it hwurts" he said trying to make his knee less hurt by holding it Y:N immediately ran to him hugging him.

"it's okay now kookie I'll ask mom to take us home okay? Then we'll treat your hurt" she said kissing the scraped part of his knee lovingly.

"I love you" he said and she kissed him.


Yoongi stayed over Jimin's place for the night he's happy his best friend helped him go through the entire Minji situation.

"Yoon I have breakfast here!" He yelled from downstairs Chaerin and his parents went on a trip and he had to stay for his studies.

"yah Jimin I'm still sleepy maybe later" Yoongi said and groaned tossing and turning on the bed.

"aish Yoon" Jimin said carrying his sleeping hyung down the stairs he admired Yoongi's features his brown eyes, his pretty plump pink lips and mint green dyed hair.

I am feeling things I swear. Jimin thought

Yoongi woke up on the couch several minutes later and groaned then he remembered he was at Jimin's house.

"Jimin thanks for letting me stay" he said when Jimin came over to serve breakfast which he made himself he hardly cooks but for Yoongi he would cook for him since he was special.

"it's fine eat up now" Jimin said giggling as he placed a spoonful of food in Yoongi's mouth.

Wish it could be like this forever. He thought


Long time no updates sorry :( been busy lately 

my cute bunny boy // JungkookXreaderWhere stories live. Discover now