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Soon it was after schoool Y/N and Chaerin tried their very best to calm down Euntae she was crying and they wanted her to feel better.

"dont cry over him he isn't even worth a tear" Chaerin said glaring at Minyu as she passed by them.

"i-it just hurts but I'll be fine" she said. "btw where did you get Kookie?"

"he's from a hybrid shop in the mall rinnie unnie forced me to" Y/N said "but I enjoy playing and doing things with Kookie"

"I really want to get a pet" she said sniffles still audible.

"we can go by there now actually" Y/N said with a smile as Euntae looked like


once they arrived at the mall Chaerin hurriedly dragged the two girls into he hybrid store where they bought kookie and Taehyung.

"Omo! They're all very cute!" Euntae said she wanted a pet since it will help her get over Chanyeol.

"what kind of hybrid are you looking for?" Yoongi the manager of the shop said.

"do you have dog hybrids?" She asked as Y/N and Chaerin walked around the shop looking for nesessary things for their hybrids.

suddenly Y/N's phone rang loudly. "omo I'm sorry about that I'll quickly answer it" she said looking at the caller ID it said 'short mochi' on it. She rolled her eyes at the call.

what does that jamless guy want!? she thought to herself as she answered the phone.

Y/N thank God you finally picked up the phone!!!

why are you calling me again Jimin? Im busy here

Its about your bunny hybrid Kookie

Omo!!! What happened to Kookie!?

he's been staring at the door since I came home this afternoon he would'nt eat anything saying that he wants you to come back.

omo! I forgot that Kookie hates it when I leave him alone I'll be there as soon as possible

okay I'll tell the bunny boy

with that she hung up the call and saw Euntae and Chaerin with a puppy hybrid it was licking Euntae's face.

"his name is J-hope or hobi" Euntae said giggling because of the puppy it was in its dog form.

"awwww so cute" Y/N said happy that Euntae is okay now. "Chaerin unnie we need to go back  to your house Jimin called me that Kookie wants to see me already"

"of course I'm sure Tae misses me also" she said and grabbed her shopping bags. "euntae unnie will you be okay going home?"

"ne I'll be fine going home with hobi here" she said "you go ahead"

They bid goodbye to Euntae and J-hope and walked towards Chaerin's house.


Sorry this is sort of short Im eating rn an decided to publish it J30nHy3j1nk00k13 you better update ur story later. Im gonna eat lol byeee 😅

my cute bunny boy // JungkookXreaderWhere stories live. Discover now