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Jin was smiling at him and hugging him while Namjoon cried unto his shirt making it soaked.

"oh I-I'm so sorry Jin hyung I got your shirt wet" Namjoon said apologizing over and over to Jin.

"it's alright I know you are upset Joonie" Jin said at that Namjoon blushed at the nickname he said.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't call you that" Jin said embrarassed that he said something like that it was his secret nickname for Namjoon.

Way to go Jin you embrassed yourself again! Soohyun doesn't love you anymore because of your stupid words! Jin thought.

"no it's okay I love it" he said smiling.

"really?!" jin said in shock he had expected for him to yell at him and tell him to never go near him.

Soohyun hates me now. I'm so pathetic to wish for love. jin thought a tear rolling down his cheek.

"I'm going to go home okay Joon?" Jin said sighing.

"school hasen't ended yet Jin hyung" Namjoon said. "You'd be skipping why? Don't you feel well? Is there something wrong? Did I say something to make you uncomfortable?" He asked Jin some questions.

"I don't feel well and no it's not your fault Joon you did nothing wrong it's just something else okay? Tell the teachers I'll be going home" Jin said with a forced smile.

"i'll stay home with you then Jin" Namjoon said. He was determined to make Jin feel better if he was sick or something. "my father's a doctor so I know how to help you"

"oh it's okay Joonie it's really something else I'm not sick just not in the right mood because of something...and it's not your fault" Jin said sadly but still giving Namjoon his best smile.

"hyung...the more you keep your problems in the more you get hurt by them" Namjoon said. "you listened to me now it's my turn to listen to you" he said sitting down and patting the seat beside him. "Sit"

Jin sat down knowin that Namjoon wouldn't give up until he tells him what's wrong.

"so...what's wrong hyung?" Namjoon asked.

Everything about me. Jin thought

"well my girlfriend-er ex girlfriend broke up with me when we f-fought" Jin said tearing up. "I caught her chatting another guy who turned out to be her online boyfriend" more tears welled up in his eyes when he said those words.

"it's okay..." Namjoon said hugging him but at the same time furious at the girl who ditched Jin.

Who would ditch him for someone else?! Jin's an angel and he's so pure and lovable.. Namjoon thoght clentching.

"she told me we were over since I-I told her I-I found out about h-her online boyfriend. Her e-xact words were...I never want to be with you Jin he's better okay?! So what if I'm cheating" Jin said and after he finished he burst into tears.

"it's okay sh calm down" Namjoon said hugging him. "

I can help Jin...anything for you. My angel. He thought to himself.




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