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Y/N and Jungkook arrived at Nayeon's apartment she was roomies with Sana one of their friends in the group at school.

they knocked on the door and Nayeon opened it with a smile on her face and squealed.

"Y/N! Jungkookie! come inside the house Jennie is waiting for you two to play" Nayeon said smiling as she lead them inside the apartment complex.

her parents are in America and she decided to go back to Korea and move in with Sana in Seoul since she wanted to persue her dream of being an idol.

it was beautiful large and roomy apartment space good for two or three to live in she opened one of the doors to a peach colored room with a queen sized bed.

it was beautiful large and roomy apartment space good for two or three to live in she opened one of the doors to a peach colored room with a queen sized bed

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it was a simple classy room that was perfect for someone as bright and bubbly as Nayeon.

"Jennie! Our guests are here!" She said as an excited bunny hybrid came into view she wore a cute light blue dress and her hair styled in a bun.

"nice to meet you! I'm Im Jennie" she said smiling "Jungkookie let's go play!" She said showing Jungkook the playroom where all her toys and plush toys were.

"they're so excited" Nayeon said smiling she wanted Jennie to be more exposed to people other than Sana and herself since she wanted her to be more happy.

"Nayeon! I'm making spring rolls" Sana chirped in the kitchen area. She was slicing carrots since she knew Jennie and Jungkook would love them.

"so you two are dating?" Nayeon said and Y/N nodded and she and Sana both sqealed.

"let's talk more in the living room!" Nayeon said wanting to hear more about Jungkook adn Y/N's relationship over the last few days.


Jimin and Yoongi went to a cafe together they decided to hang out after school it was normal for them to stay at each other's homes now.

"Yoongi hyung I want to talk about something important." Jimin said softly he wanted to confess and tell Yoongi how he actually felt.

"what si it? I have something to tell you too" he said they both took a deep breath and told each other at the same time.

"I think I like you!" Jimin said.

"What? Really? I-I'm sorry...but" Yoongi said.

It hurt his heart

"i like you too" Yoongi said laughing.


YOONMIN ❤️ btw does anyone want to collaborate with me on a story?

my cute bunny boy // JungkookXreaderWhere stories live. Discover now