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what's cuter than watching a bunny boy swim well...Y/N struggles to get him in the water.

It was the weekend and Y/N's mother wanted them to spend a little time together since they never really spend that much time with them being busy.

"Y/N sweetheart go change this is the perfect weather to swim now" her mother said sitting down on the pool side.

Y/N nodded and brought Jungkook to change.

"will kookie have to go in the water?" He asked cutely he partly hated water him being a bunny and all. But he was also part human so he could take baths and he could swim.

"aish I asked the hybrid doctor we went to and he said since you're also human you can swim you cutie" Y/N said hugging him.

"but Kookie no like water" he said.

"it's like a bathtub silly" she said petting his head.

"ooh okie!" Jungkook said and hopped-walked to the dressing room to change.

"aish so adorable" Y/N thought.


After a few minues Jungkook was all set and ready to swim.

"does Kookie look fine?" He asked he was wearing pastel pink swimming trunks and his white shirt which fell down his shoulder a little.

"it's cute aish but we have to fix this" Y/N said fixing the shirt. "Jinnie oppa is going to swim too"

"weally? Okay" Jungkook said they both walked to the swimming area Y/N was wearing a two peice (before you guys think something it's not too sexy hehe)

"water nwo" Jungkook said whining. "awe you cutie come let's go and swim" Y/N jumped into the cool clear water of the pool and Jungkook got splashed.

"you're a big mweanie" Jungkook said with a pout on his face.

"come on in now Jungkookie" she says and Jungkook dipped his foot in.

"wah it's so warm" he said going in the water he screamed as he realized it was a deep part of the pool and with him having cute short legs he was drowing since he couldn't swim.

"HELP KOOKIE!" He screams and tries to grab something Y/N heard his screams and swam to save him she hugged him and he stopped screaming.

he blushed.

"aish didn't I tell you play in the shallow part of the pool" she says "let me teach you how to swim" "i'm going to let you go then you'll kick like this okay?" She said Jungkook nodded a bit fearful of swimming.

she let go and Jungkook cutely did a doggie paddle all the way to her arms.

"I guess that's onr way of swimming?" She said with a smile Jungkook shyly covered his cute blushing face.

Aish since when did I deserve this precious thing Y/N thought.



my cute bunny boy // JungkookXreaderWhere stories live. Discover now