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Y/N and Jungkook were busy packing for the trip back to Seoul. Jungkook missed the view on the rooftop the other day.

"kookie is gonna miss your grandmother's snacks" he said pouting while putting his stuffed bunny in a bag.

"awe it's okay I'll bring some for you" Y/N said giggling at his cuteness.

"when kookie gets back home he wants to do the...d-date?" Jungkook asked stuttering nervously.

"of course we can" Y/N said "anything for my cute little bunny"

"Y/N maybe we should allow Jungkook to attend school? He is quite smart" her mother asked.

"do you want to go to school like me Kookie?" She said the bunny's ears perked up cutely at the thought of going to school with Y/N.

"yes! Kookie wanna go to school with Y/N" he said eyes sparkling with excitment and happiness at this news.

"it's settled then I'll ask the school if he can be enrolled" her mother said "hurry up packing we have to leave in awhile"

"yes eomma" Y/N said. While Jungkook was making cute bunny noises in excitment since he always wanted to go to school especially if it's with Y/N since he'd get to see her all the time in school.

"I'm sure you'll do great" Y/N said smiling at the bunny who promised to study hard and protect her. So Cute. She thought


Namjoon was heading out of their house he was going to a store nearby since they ran out of medical supplies.

Kim Namjoon always breaks things that's why their family needed medical supplies just in case someone gets hurt accidentally though it happens rarely.

Aish I have to be more careful. He thought as he almost tripped over the sidewalk almost knocking over a couple of flowers from the nearby flower shop.

he breathed in the fresh air and smiled as he was walking enjoying the scenery.

he went inside the store and went to look for medical supplies. He picked up some bandages and other medical supplies when he noticed someone stealing.

it was a girl with dark brown hair and ear peircings. She looked like she was one of those troublemakers in school.

it's Eunha. he thought he always known her as a girl who loves to bully students and make fun of them. She has no mercy to show.

he instantly grabbed her hand before she could leave the store. She looked at him in surprise. He never talked to her or interfered with her ever even when she was bullying others.

"yah. You can't just steal that" he said sternly.

"so what? I can do what I want to." She said "besides what's someone like you going to do about it"

"I'll pay for your items. Just stop stealing. It's not even right" he said and pulled her to the counter and checked out his and her items.

"please put those in a separate bag" he said to the cashier and pointed to her items. The cashier nodded and did as he requested.

he handed he bag to her on his way out. She looked at him in shock the whole time. No one was this kind to her.

"thanks I guess but we're still not friends" she said running the opposite direction from Namjoon.

I can't believe I helped her out. Maybe she isn't too bad. He thought.


Update THANK U FOR THE 16k+ READS I never expected it 💕3

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