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Jungkook woke up in an unknown room. This isn't Y/N's room or her grandparent's house. He was scared to death.

"you're awake" a voice said that made Jungkook back into a corner.

"w-where is k-kookie?" he stuttered scared of what would happen to him and who was this guy who kidnapped him.

"remember me?" The guy said stepping out from the shadows. He knew who it was iy was his previous owner that returned him back to the hybrid shop.

"NO! K-KOOKIE HATES YOU" he yelled trying to get out of the rope he was tied with. He wanted Y/N back.

"I don't care but you're living here from now on understand?" Sehun said Jungkook shook his head and he earned a slap from Sehun. His eyes filled with tears.

"next time you say no I'll hit you" Sehun said shutting the door with a slam. Jungkook cried wanting to go back to his owner.

he saw a rock near him and decided to throw it to the window so it would break. He changed into bunny form and got out of the ropes. He hopped through the window to the outside.

Kookie escaped now to find Y/N he thought


Y/N was crying hard since hey couldn't find Jungkook her mother tried everything but the police still had no answers.

the doorbell rang and her mother opened it. It was a police officer.

"maa'm I'm sorry but we couldn't find anything" she said "but we will try our best"

"TRY? TRY HARDER MY BUNNY COULD BE LOST AND ALONE" Y/N shouted while hot tears streamed down her face.

"please give us some news if you find anything" her mother said sighing. The officer nodded and left the house.

"it's okay sweetie I'm sure they will find him soon" her grandmother said to help calm her down.

"he's special to me..." she said "and it's been one day already since he went missing"

"I'm sure he'll turn up soon okay?" Her mother said. Suddenly they heard small knocks at the door. Her mother went to open it thinking it was the police officer again.

"JUNGKOOK?" she was surprised to see the hybrid in her front door.

"JUNGKOOK!" Y/N said running towards her hybrid hugging him tight.

"K-kookie c-ann't breathe" he said Y/N let go of the hug and smiled through tears. "I was worried sick"

"it's okay kookie's here now" he said "um..can Kookie have clothes now?" He asked nervously Y/N laughed and nodded. "you changed into bunny form right?" He nodded "that explains it" she said.

"also Kookie's hungry..." he said once they were in the house Y/N sliced some carrots for him. "you're too cute" she said

"Y/N...I like you" he said


I changed my username to Voppakth if you're wondering. I'll update soon ❤️

my cute bunny boy // JungkookXreaderWhere stories live. Discover now