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after school Y/N waited to meet Jungkook at the front of the school they were going to have their first ever date that day.

"omo! You two are going to be dating?!" Chaerin said shouting in excitment.

"aish Chaerin unnie we're still going to go on a date to see if it works out" she said

"AIGOO! YOU TWO ARE PERFECT! HE OBVIOUSLY LOVES YOU!" she shouted at Y/N smiling endlessly.

"aish such a shipper" she said as her unnie kept shipping them together she could only blush in embarassment.


Jungkook was quietly walking down the hallways wanting to avoid the bullies and get to his destination.

"yah! Bunny boy!" A guy shouted he started to run since he knew he'd get hurt. He kept running fast until the entrance to the school was seen.

Finally kookie can get out. He thought

just then a hand grabbed him and he fell down just a few inches away from the entrance.

"what are you even thinking?!" The guy said

"you think you can run away from me?!" He yelled again making Jungkook whimper and stay still trying to defend himself.

"freaks like you shouldn't even be here!" The guy said he was close to punching him when someone shouted.

"STOP!" Y/N shouted the guy immediately flinched at her voice she was very angry.

"GET OUT" she said and he ran like hell scared of her voice of course picked on others for fun but he was scared of a lot of angry shouting.

"kookie t-thank you" he said as she helped him up with a caring smile.

"don't be scared anymore okay?" She said hugging him. "let's go now" she said and he nodded.


a few moments later they were at a nearby café having their date.

"sowry Kwookie is nervous" he said.

"aww it's okay Jungkook...dates aren't really hard" she said

"it isn't?" He asked and he nodded soon they started talking about random things until the food was served.

"here you go" the waitress said. "you two are the cutest couple I've seen so far" she said which made them both blush.

"thank you" Y/N said shyly. As soon as Jungkook saw the carrots he nibbled on one.

"awe you're too cute Kookie!" Y/N said giggling at her cute lover. She took pictures of him and smiled she will cherish these moments forever.


Namjoon was walking down the abandoned hallways since it already late out and students were no longer there.

he heared someone crying. He rushed to where th sound was coming from it sounds like a girl was crying.

he walked towards the sounds it was coming from the supply closet.

he opened the door revealing Eunha. He never saw her cry before she hardly cries.

"eunha?"he said and she looked up at him.

"what are you doing here?!" She shouted "get out!"

"tell me why you're crying now" he said and she sighed.

"my parents are getting a divorce" she said


This is actually longer yay! 😂 i'll update soon and it's May already! Who's excited for LY tear? 😊

my cute bunny boy // JungkookXreaderWhere stories live. Discover now