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Jungkook and Y/N along with Jimin was in the mall with Y/N's mother.

she was getting groceries while Y/N was buying things for Jungkook.

she saw a cute row of collars at the pet shop and Jungkook was cutely squealing over them.

"collar! Kookie wantie!" He said giggling hugging Y/N's leg while begging her.

"aish I bought you a few already remember?" Y/N said.

"nwo Kookie wants one mwore kookiw will bwe gwood promise!" He said cutely and then Y/N couldn't do anything but smile the he pouted cutely and knew she couldn't say no to him.

Aish if only you weren't cute I'd say no already, she thought.

"fine pick out one okay?" She said smiling she couldn't risist this fluffy ball.

"yway! Thankie!" He said hugging her tightly.

he chose a cute lavander one and they bought it.


Jungkook after awhile sniffled and coughed he was shivering too they arrived home when he started getting sick

"are you okay?" She asked him.

"K-kookie feels c-cold a-and h-hot at the same time..." he said shivering.

"you're sick come on let's go to your room so you can rest well okay?" Y/N said gently helping Jungkook up to his room.

"I'll call eomma to buy medicines" she said as soon as kookie was in bed all comfy and under thick blankets.

"eomma!" She yelled from the stairs "Can you please buy Kookie medicines he got sick with a cold and fever"

"alright! I'll go buy the drug store" her mother replied back and in awhile her mother's car started and she left the house.

"are you okay?" She asked him "do you feel worse bun?"

"k-kookie's insides hurt bwut he's happy you're here" Jungkook said smiling weakly.

she hugged him tight since he was just the sweetest.

Aw Jungkook you still think of me. she thought

"you're just the sweetest..." she said hugging him.

"you know why Kookiw feels better?" He asked her.

It's because of you. Jungkook thought.

"it's because of you" he said smiling like the cute guy he is. "K-I-I love you" he said since he usually speaks in third person he has a bit of trouble speaking in first person.

"aw I don't mind okay? First person or third person your voice is still honey-like and the sweetest to me" she said smiling.

"t-thankie" he said then fell asleep giving up on staying awake since he was sick, he was very tired.

she kissed his forehead.

"sleep well my bun, I love you" she said cuddling beside him.


Sorry long time no update its becaus im on a trip :( ily all

my cute bunny boy // JungkookXreaderWhere stories live. Discover now