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As Jungkook walked over to his next class the last one he had that day he felt a lot of stares at him. It sort of made him scared and wish Y/N was there with him.

calm down Kookie...be calm. He thought.

"yah! bunny boy!" A male shouted he started to run since the male's tone scares him.

keep running..he thought.

He kept running until he saw the classroom's door he reached it until he got pulled back.

"where do you think you're going?" The male said in a harsh tone.

"k-kookie was going to class...please let go" he said whimpering.

"stop stuttering freak" he said tossing Jungkook to the floor. A sharp pain went through Jungkook's body.

"owie!" sounds of pain went out of his mouth as the guy pulled his cotton tail.

"stop please!" He said begging the male to stop pulling his tail.

"you freak why would I? You're weak" he said kicking Jungkook and leaving him unable to stand because of the pain in his tail and stomach.

He fainted.


"class please be sure to study pages 65-68 for our quiz tomorrow" the teacher of Y/N's class said "class is dismissed"

all the students ran towards the door after hearing those words they wanted to hear all day long finally the school day was over.

Jimin got tripped and he groaned.

"why do I always get tripped" he said

"that's because you're short pabo" Chaerin said to her brother laughing.

"very funny" Jimin said getting up to leave for varsity practice he had.

Y/N and Chaerin went to the front gate where she and Jungkook agreed to meet after school.

"where is Jungkook?" Y/N said worriedly.

"he should have been here 30 mins ago...and you know how much he wants to see me he would not be late" Chaerin said looking at the school entrance.

"something must have happened to him then!" Y/N said running back to the school. "We have to find him" she said and Chaerin nodded.


after awhile of searching for Jungkook Y/N began to get worried they have checked everywhere, his last class especially.

"where could he be?!" Y/N said she was very worried since he is precious to him, especially because he's her lover.

she and Chaerin began looking in the furthest area of the school where usually no one goes to.

"this is like the only place we haven't checked he has to be here" Chaerin said then they both saw a figure on the floor.

"JUNGKOOK!" Y/N yelled and bent down to see if he was still breathing. She checked for a heartbeat and was relieved when he was still breathing.

"what happened to him?" Chaerin asked "I don't know but I think he's going to wake up soon" she said since Jungkook's eyes were opening.

"Y-Y/N?" He said and she hugged him.

"what happened to you?!" She asked

"someone hurt Kookie" he said crying in her embraced she said gentle words and that calmed him down.

"let's go home okay? I'll make sure that whoever hurt you will get what he or she deserves" She said and he nodded.


sorry for late updates been busy with school 😭

my cute bunny boy // JungkookXreaderWhere stories live. Discover now