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Y/N returned home with Kookie following her like his life depends on it.

"let's get you cleaned up kookie" Y/N said then Jungkook immediately shook his head.

"kookie dont wanna bath" he said in his cute voice that Y/N loves.

"aish its just a little water besides you're not even a cat hybrid" she said "I'll help you"

"fine but only because Y/N said so" he said pouting. Y/N laughed at his cute actions.

Y/N told him to undress and he did leaving himself in his boxers since he was shy.

"okay kookie I'm going to fill the bath now" she said turning on the tap Jungkook watched the water flow amusing.

"you can go in now Kookie" she said with a reassuring smile since she saw Jungkook was a little bit scared she felt the water making sure it was the perfect temperature for the bunny.

Jungkook slipped in the bath whimpering when he felt the cool water on his body.

"I'll leave you to bath okay" Y/N said "call me if you need help" with that she left the bathroom going to help her mother prepare dinner for them.

Jungkook felt a cramp in his stomach and light headed. I'm turning back to a bunny...

It was regular for Jungkook to turn to a bunny every night and wake up a human in the morning.

in a poof he was back in bunny form since the water was deep he was struggling. Trying hard to keep himself from drowning.

Kookie need air... he thought he was about to pass out from lack of air when two hads grabbed him.

"omo! Kookie I'm sorry for leaving you" Y/N said she had arrived earlier and saw the bunny drowning because of the water.

she held the shivering bunny and wrapped him in a warm fluffy towel.

"I'm sorry kookie I'll never leave you on your own next time" she apologized drying the bunny's fur he squeaked in happiness hearing these words.

Y/N laughed because his fur fluffed up as she dryed him he looked like a tiny cute fluff ball. She used a special brush to brush his fur gently

thank you for saving me Jungkook thought to himself.


the next day Y/N left Kookie with the Park's this time he obeyed and stayed with Taehyung and Mrs Park.

Y/N and Chaerin arrived in school walking through the gates only to be greeted by a crying Euntae.

"he cheated on me!"she yelled with hot tears going down her face.

"omo! That jerk" Y/N said. Chanyeol was known to be a playboy in the school he had a girlfriend every week.


Euntae was walking around school when she ended up in the old school storeroom. She heared noises and she was wondering what caused it

She was shocked when she saw Chanyeol and the school's queenka Minyu.

"you know I love you" Chanyeol said

"no ones around..." Minyu said unbottoning Chanyeol's uniform.

He kissed her. And Euntae saw it their kiss was rough and deep... she ran out crying.

my cute bunny boy // JungkookXreaderWhere stories live. Discover now