63 (part 3)

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Jungkook ran home after that. He didn't feel well at all.

"Jungkookie dear you're home early where's Y/N?" Y/N's mother asked.

"she's still with Soobin" Jungkook said trying not to cry.

"oh who is that?" Y/N's mother asked him. He sighed "her boyfriend" Jungkook said bitterly and ran up to his cage.

He turned himself into a bunny and decided to sleep away his heartache and pain.


Y/N went home since Soobin asked her to go out for dinner just as friends.

She was having second thoughts about the whole dinner thing actually.

She couldn't help but think that her little bunny wouldn't like the idea of her going out with Soobin.

"Y/N dear would you be staying for dinner?" Her mother asked her while preparing dinner.

"no I'm going out with a friend tonight" Y/N told her mother "I'll go upstairs to get ready" her mind told her to go since it was just a friendly hang out kind of thing, but somehow her heart's telling her to stay.

"hey Jungkookie?" She walked in the room and saw him in his cage, asleep in his bunny form. She sighed.

"sorry I yelled at you Jungkookie I really just wasn't thinking...I'm going out with Soobin tonight, I just think of him as a friend okay?" She said to the sleeping bunny.

Jungkook was half listening to her talk since he wasen't really fully asleep.

She got ready changing into a dress and some heels, brushed her hair, which was a bit messy from the festival.

She also applied some light makeup and wore a necklace, the one Jungkook saved up and gave her.

"I'll see you later Jungkookie...I'm sorry again I'll buy you some carrot bites on the way home" she said smiling and she left the room.

See you later Y/N...have fun. He thought as he was feeling a bit of a heartache again.

Calm down it's just as friends it's not like Soobin's going to take her away from Jungkookie. Kookie should understand. He thought.


Y/N's mother dropped her off at the cafe where she would meet Soobin for dinner.

"bye I'll see you later dear" her mother said bidding her goodbye. "be careful okay? And have fun" she said.

"I will! See you later eomma" she said waving before her mother drove off. She entered the cafe and saw Soobin at a table for two near the window.

"H-hi! Y/N" He said pulling out the chair in front of his for her.

"oh did you wait long? I'm so sorry" she said feeling sorry that he might have waited so long for her.

"oh no! It's no big deal, I was here just 10 minutes ago" he said with a smile. "Oh okay but really sorry for making you wait"

I'd wait for you even if it took an hour. He thought.

"it's no problem, you look pretty by the way" he said.

"thanks you look pretty handsome yourself" she said. "I look terrible" he said laughing.


Part 3 is done! I'll try to update more often also I have this nice plot for the sequel already!

my cute bunny boy // JungkookXreaderWhere stories live. Discover now