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Jungkook was sobbing in his classroom trying to clean up the spray painted walls some classmates did and they said they would blame him for it.

"w-why blame k-kookie..." he whispered to himself. "he's good..."

the wall was looking a bit white again but some painted spots were still seen.

"why t-they no like kookie..." he said sniffling while sliding down a the semi-paintef wall.

the teacher walked in the classroom. He scurried into his seat with his head down and ears hiding his teary face.

"who did this?!" The teacher yelled at the class. She wanted to get to the bottom of it and find out whoever spray painted the walls.

"Jungkook did" a boy said with an evil smirk on his face pointing to the scared bunny boy.

"did you do it Jungkookie?" The teacher said "n-no Kookie promisies" he said stuttering.

"class please may I have your attention" the teacher said divising a plan. "open up your bags and we will see who did this"

they all opened up their bags Jungkook dumped out the contents of his bag.

a jar of baby carrots, Pastel colored pencils, his pastel blue sweater, his collar, some nibbled on paper, notebooks, his books and his picture of him and Y/N.

"well Jungkook didn't do it I see you are the one who had the spray paint cans" the teacher said she told the boy who blamed Jungkook to talk to her outside.

before he left the class he sent a death glare to Jungkook.

You will pay.


Namjoon took Jin inside a café since he wanted to ask him something.

they sat down at the center of the room and chatted they ordered their food while talking just about random things.

"hey I was wondering Jinnie" Namjoon said Jin blushed at the nickname he said.

"what Joonie?" He asked

"will you please date me? i know this is gay and all but I like you" he said smiling.

"I-I..." Jin stuttered Namjoon's hands started to sweat he hated being rejected.

"it's okay if you'd say no" Namjoon said with a sigh. "N-no!" jin said.

"no?...okay then" Namjoon said. "No i m-mean I'd love to!" Jin said almost shouting.

"cute" Namjoon said kissing him.


"you cutie" Namjoon said. "Stop teasing..." Jin said pouting.


my cute bunny boy // JungkookXreaderWhere stories live. Discover now