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Jungkook sat in the rain sobbing.

he lost Y/N he kept crying and crying. A terrible hand spanked him.

"stop crying!" The man said what happened was Jungkook was walking home when Y/N was still practicing for a dance presentation.

two cold hands grabbed him and choked him he was trying to break free and run for it when the man attached a leash to him and told him he would earn him money.

"l-let kookie go!" He said but was only met with a pull of his leash in reply he choked and tears streamed his face.

"we're almost there baby bun" the man said with an evil smirk on his scarred face.

"Kookie w-wanna g-go home!" He yelled and cried even more.

"if you make another noise or if I hear another word from you you'll be dead" the man said he shut his mouth but tears never left his eyes.

"we're here" he said locking him in a cage.


Y/N went back to her house after dance practice she didn't know what was in store for her back at home.

"eomma! I'm home! Kookie?" She asked usually the bunny boy would lodge himself on her the moment she stepped in the house.

"yes dear?" Her mother asked Jin was on the couch watching another drama with Namjoon holding his hand.

"where's kookie? Is he asleep in the room?" She asked him thinking her bunny was asleep.

"oh I thought he came home with you dear?" Her mother spoke those words broke her heart and she started to worry and panic.

"EOMMA? Where is he?!" She said worried "maybe he's in school Y/N dear calm down" her mother said trying to help.

"I NEED TO GO BACK AND FIND HIM! Maybe he's scared and lost!" She said running our the door she was worried and scared that he might get hurt or lost or even worse.

"hey Rinnie unnie have you seen kookie anywhere!?" Y/N yelled hoping and praying that Kookie was somwhere in the school.

"I haven't seen him yet why? He said he was going home and will wait for you there" Chaerin said when she heard this her heary broke into pieces.

"WHAT?! WHERE IS HE THEN?! HE COULD BE LOST AND SCARED TO DEATH!" Y/N yelled she started crying since she already was too worried for her baby bunny.

"let's call the police" Nayeon said as Sana and Momo hugged her in an attempt to comfort her.

"s-sure p-please hurry he could be alone and all scared..."she said in between cries and sobs.

Kookie where could you be? I'm too worried. She thought while englufed in her thoughts.


Hey guys sorry no updates in a week I recently got into a contest so I was husy practicing I will make the next chapter longer Im sorry this is only more or less 550 words 😭 I hope you guys understand :))) ILYSM ❤️

my cute bunny boy // JungkookXreaderWhere stories live. Discover now