61 (part 1)

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It was the time that the booths opened and Y/N was also helping Mina set up theirs.

"Y/N! How does kookie look" he said showing off the outfit to them.

"wow you look cute!" Momo said "he looks like one of those models in Japan"

"Kookie dwoesn't look nice" he said.

"no!! You look cute! Trust me" Y/N said smiling at him just let me fix this she said wiping a lip balm stain off his cheek.

"there now you look perfect" she said after wiping it off.

"thankie! Kookie will go now! Please visit me later~" he said with his famous puppy eyes.

"fine I will I really can't say no to you can't I?" He smiled wide. "Nwo because kookie is cute" he said after that he walked away humming some tunes to himself.

Y/N and her friends were smiling as he left.


"Jungkook can you wait these tables?" Taemin asked.

"yes Kookie will" he said.

"you're really attracting these customers huh?" Soobin said to him. He pouted.

"stway away from Y/N" Jungkook said with a frown on his face.

"well...she's my friend but..." he said slowly. Then he hesitated. "Nevermind forget what I said alright?" He ruffled Jungkook's hair and he pouted.

"fwine" he said crossing his arms and going towards another table.

Y/N mwine hmph! He thought.

"mommy look! It's a fluffy bunny!" A little girl said pointing to Jungkook's cotton tail.

She then ran and pulled his tail.

"ow!" He whimpered.

"Eunbi! Come back here!" A middle-aged woman came running towards the booth after the little girl.

"mwommy! It's a bunny! He's so soft!" Eunbi, the little girl said touching his tail.

"sensitive...there" Jungkook said whimpering as she touched his tail.

"sorry Mr.! We were on our way to check out the school for my older son when she just run away from me" The woman said pulling her daughter away from Jungkook's cotton tail.

"it's alright...she probably didn't know and I'm fine so don't worry about it" Jungkook said flashing his famous bunny smile at her and Eunbi.

"she's cute" he said then he saw her eyes were watery "Eunbi you want to twouch kookie's ear?" He said.

"yes!" Eunbi said touching the ear, Jungkook didn't usually allow much people to touch his ears or tail but she was cute and he didn't want her to cry.

"so soft! I love it!" She said giggling. "well dear we have to go now okay? Say goodbye to this kind young man here" her mother said.

"bye bye mister! Thwankie" she said cutely waving at Jungkook. He smiled back and waved at her.

"wow you really love kids" Soobin said. "I sometimes can't stand my little sister when she makes messes in the house"

"she's cute and friendly so kookie let her have fun with him" he said smiling while cleaning a table.

"well we made the right choices then. Our booth is popular around here already" Taemin said handing out flyers to Sana to give to passerbys.

Y/N... Soobin thought.

"who wants a fortune reading!" Mina yelled. She had a crystal ball on her table and she already had quite a few people.

"wow I really didn't think Mina's idea would work but hey, we got a lot of money" Jeongyeon said laughing.

"Mina has crazy ideas but they work" Y/N said giggling while she handed out some flyers to their booth.

Soobin walked inside. It was his breaktime.

"oh hey!" Momo said the rest also greeted him. "sit down and Tzuyu will predict your future" she said. He sat down.

"pick one card" Tzuyu said "this area is for future love or loss" she said.

He picked a red card on the right out of the three cards presented to him.

Tzuyu picked it up. "It says...you might fall in love, but you'll get hurt"

"ouch that hurts bad" Chaeyoung said.


Okay so this is part 1 of the final chapter huhuhu I'll miss updating book 1 but hey! I'll upload the sequel on the same day part 5 comes out since you all love this story so much :)) yes, there are five parts of the final chapter! Enjoy and I'll update more often now! It's summer for me hehe I love you all 💕

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