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"Y/N I like you" he said

wait like as in love?....she thought

"what do you mean Kookie?"she said

"K-kookie m-eans he w-wana be more than o-owner and p-pet" he said stuttering Y/N's mother and grandmother was shocked at his confession.

"s-sorry Kookie knows Y/N doesn't feel the same" he said hiding his face.

"I feel the same way.." Y/N said slowly she removed his hands from his face. Jungkook slowly closed in and pecked her on the lips.

"d-did kookie do it right?" He asked nervously both were blushing red.

"yes you did" Y/N said "you want to go on a date once we get back home?"

"a date? W-what's that" Jungkook asked curiously.

"it's when two people go out" Y/N's mother said "Y/N I don't know if your father would even allow this..."

"what do you mean?" Y/N said

"I- mean your father won't allow you to date him" her mother said.

"why not? I love him and he loves me so just support it" she said


Yoongi was working the cashier in the shop he didn't like this job at all. He wished he could have more time to spend with Minji.

"Yoongi" his father, the owner of the shop said. "you need to be more lively and entertain the people more" he said

"what?! Can't you see I don't want to work here?" He said he didn't want to deal with his father now.

"you better do a better job or I'll fire you" his father said. "your college future is on the line"

And I can't see Minji that often. He thought.

"fine whatever" he said rolling his eyes his father sighed and left the store.

Just annoying. Yoongi thought.

the doorchime made a sound signaling that there was someone coming in the store.

"how may I help-oh" he suddenly stopped in mid sentence when he saw that it was Minji with her pet, Lisa.

"hi Yoongi" she said shyly. Lisa made excited sounds she knew that her owner likes Yoongi.

"h-hi...what can I get you today?" He asked stuttering he always never stuttered and was always annoyed by shoppers but she was different since she was the first person to ever made him nervous and stutter so much.

"I want to spend time with you and also Lisa needs a new water bowl" she said smiling at him sweetly.

"of course I'll show you where it is also maybe we can talk a little before you leave?" he said shyly.

"yes I would love that there is really nothing interesting to do today" she said

he showed her the water bowls and she picked a black and pink one since Lisa liked it so much she was jumping around happily.

she stood near the counter as Yoongi checked out her item. She paid and they soon started talking.

"so are you planning to transfer school soon?" Minji asked

"yeah..." Yoongi said while putting her item in a bag with the store's logo on it.

"where?" Minji asked curiously.

"to your school it seems nice and you seem to be enjoying a lot there" he said.

"that's so amazing! I can show you around maybe we could even be classmates!" She said hugging him. It was a suprise to Yoongi but her hugged her back anyway.

This is probably the only girl I would show my soft side to. He thought


That night Y/N and Jungkook went to the rooftop together they held hands tightly Jungkook enjoyed this feeling.

"Y/N...why does your dad hate Kookie?" He asked while looking up to the stars admiring them and their glow.

"he just doesn't understand...love can come from everyone...even hybrids" she said

"it's okay Kookie will try his best to convince him that it's okay for us to be together" he said

"I hope he will be convinced." Y/N said they started talking about random things and before Y/N knew it she fell asleep on Jungkook's lap.

"Kookie loves you and now he knows you love him back" he said smiling.


Long update sorry for cliffhanging in the last chapter hope you like it 💜

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