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Y/N's mother was walking out in the front yard seeing that the mailbox is full. She opened it and took out several colored envelopes from different places.

one particular one caught her attention. A white one with Y/N and Jungkook's school lovo printed with colors and the name of the school on it.

she quickly opened it once back in the house. Her eyes widened. It stated that Jungkook had gotten into a fight with some other students who was older than him.

Jungkook? In a fight with another student? He's a nice little bunny why would he? She thought.

she decided to keep the letter for now and make dinner since Y/N and Jungkook would be home by now and they'd be hungry.


Y/N arrived at the center where Jungkook was and before she could even call for him he hopped and ran towards her hugging her tightly.

"Jungkookie missed you" he said with his cute pout on his lips. Y/N giggled since he was too cute and he had glitters on his hair.

"why is your hair messy?" She said.

"Kookie played with his glitters" he said with a reddish blush on his face Y/N cooed at him.

"yah! Y/N! Eomma wants us home already!" Jin said who was just passing by from the local univeristy which was just a few blocks away.

"alright pig" she said rolling her eyes and Jungkook clinged on to her like a koala.

"I AM NOT A PIG!" Jin yelled and scoffed at her. He grabbed a pink thing from his bag, "My pink spatula will hit your head so hard you'll have memory loss!" He continued.

Y/N laughed so hard at her older brother.

"what!" He said Y/N just laughed louder. "i think it's cute" a voice behind them said.

It was a talk guy in the same uniform as Jin's and he had dyed purple hair. (Not today era RM is slay ❤️) he smiled at Jin. And Jin blushed quickly hiding the pink spatula.

"I think it's cute hyung." Namjoon made sure to emphasize the word hyung which made Jin even more flustered and embarassed he kepy blushing like a red tomato.

"yah stop that!" Jin said. Namjoon just laughed and hugged his waist before leaving the three there.

"who was that?" Y/N asked.

"Namjoon...Kim Namjoon" Jin said blushing.


WATCH HERE 💛 : https://youtu.be/fIkZOLsnoqY

my cute bunny boy // JungkookXreaderWhere stories live. Discover now