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the next day Y/N was busy getting ready for school. She already knew Jungkook would miss her but she told him she'll be back before nighttime.

"can I please go???" He said begging Y/N to take him to her school. "Kwookie feels lonely" he said pouting and crossing his arms cutely.

"awwwe I wished I could tame you but the teachers and others might ask questions" she said "just behave okay?" He nodded.

She won't know if kookie changes into a bunny and hops in her bag? Right? He thought.

he said goodbye to Y/N and she nodded then opened the door just as she was about to close it behind her Jungkook changed into a bunny and hopped in her bag's open front pocket.


Y/N walked into school waiting for Chaerin to come to school she didn't notice the tiny fluff ball peeking out and watching from her backpack.

"Y/N!" Chaerin said as soon as she saw Y/N.

"unnie! Aish you're almost late already" she said.

"it's because I wanted to bring Taehyung here at first but remember that there's a new principal?" She said. Y/N nodded.

"there's a new rule that pets even hybrids aren't allowed here anymore since it distracts students from their studies or whatever" Chaerin said thinking it all was annoying.

"oh. Good thing I didn't bring Kookie or else I might get into trouble" she said Jungkook had heard the entire conversation and planned on hiding out in her bag all day.


It was lunchtime and Jungkook was hungry he peeked his head out of the bag seeing the food on the lunchtable where Y/N and her friends ate made him want to eat.

Kookie hungry. He thought.

"Sana unnie I'll go to the washroom for a minute can you watch my bag for me?" She asked and Sana replied with a yes.

Jungkook saw this as the perfect chance to get some food he saw Nayeon's salad on the table. Untouched by her.

he hopped on the table gaining attention from the Twice girls. "Omo its Kookie!?" Chaerin said surpised at this.

"It is Kookie. Does Y/N know about him being here?" Dahyun said

"I don't know but we have to hide him" Sana said but after the girls was fangirling at the cute sight.

"Awww" Jihyo said watching the bunny eat from Nayeon's salad Nayeon allowed the bunny to have a share of her lunch. Just then Y/N returned from the washroom her eyes widened when she saw Jungkook.

"kookie? Why are you here" she asked him getting a little upset. The bunny was trembling at her tone.

Y/N immediately calmed herself the other girls told her that Jungkook might be lonely thats why he came with her to school.

"it's okay sorry for that" She said picking him up. But he's not allowed in here. Omo. How am I going to hide him. She thought.

"guyseu there's a teacher" Mina said pointing to a teacher walking in the cafeteria. "Jungkook can you please jump in my bag?" Y/N said the bunny nodded and did as he was told.

the teacher walked past the other tables and went to their's. "Is there something wrong?" She said wondering why they all look nervous.

"um...its nothing Mrs. Min!" Jihyo said the teacher nodded and proceeded walking. Y/N took in a breath of relief.

I need to survive this day...hopefully Kookie will be alright hiding. She thought.


Just thought of this lol. Exams are overrrr thank God I hope I did good 🙏🏻 to all of you who's taking tests hwaiting! ❤️

my cute bunny boy // JungkookXreaderWhere stories live. Discover now