62 (part 2)

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I've got to find her and talk to her! Why is this bunny always going to cling to her. Soobin thought

"done waiting table 13?" Jungkook said smiling.

"yes. I'm done" Soobin said

"stway away from Y/N please" Jungkook cutely said he didn't want him anywhere near her.

"Jungkook she's one of my close friends I can't just ignore her because you said so!" Soobin yelled and growled.

"JUST BACK OFF!" jungkook yelled Soobin hit the table and walked off to find Y/N

Don't you dare touch her. Y/N is kookie's!

Well hybrids do tend to get clingy


"Y/N! There you are! I've been looking for you since earlier" Soobin said trying to act natural and not like he just fought with someone.

"of course I'd be here! You're supposed to watch over your booth silly" Y/N said smiling.

"o-oh yeah that's right sorry" Soobin said blushing out of embarassment.

Soobin! Of course she'd be here she's running the booth! Don't be dumb. He thought.

"No big deal...so what's up?" Y/N asked.

"oh I just um...I wanted to ask you out to maybe go eat somewhere in the festival area tomorrow I know this booth that's has quite nice food" he said awkwardly.

"oh sure I'd love to..." she said.

"but your bunny keeps on telling me to stay away from you..." Soobin said


Kookie followed that dummy since he would find Y/N right? Jungkook thought.

He walked towards the 2x booth (the booth where Y/N runs with her friends)

And saw Soobin talking to her

Too late! Kookie has to go inside! He thought and then walked inside the booth

"Jungkook wouldn't let me near you or talk to you so I think I can't take you out..." Soobin said sighing.

"Jungkook?" Y/N said.

"y-yes?" Jungkook responded.

"you know he can take me out right? It's just as friends you know so don't be so overprotective of me" Y/N said to him.

"w-what but Y/N...Kookie don't like this meanie near you!" Jungkook said his eyes tearing up, he really didn't like Soobin near Y/N all the time.

"he's just a friend okay? Stop overreacting" she said to him.

"n-no! Kookie not overreacting! Kookie just want you to stay away from him because he might take you away from Kookie!" He said tearing up again.

"just stay away! Don't meddle with things you don't underatand" she was mad at this point since Jungkook was being stubborn.

"I-I...K-kookie..." he sobbed then ran off

"Jungkook..." Y/N started but Soobin restrained her from chasing after him.

Y-you won. jungkook thought


Part 2 completed! Sorry I went on a trip so I had no time to make this hope you guys like it I'll be publishing book two after the finale love yaa guys

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