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when Y/N and Jungkook entered Nayeon's house Nayeon ran to the door and hugged them.

"I'm so happy you can come to my party!" She said hugging Y/N.

"unnie of course!" She said giggling.

"the others are upstairs kookie wanna play with my hyrbid?" He nodded remembering Nayeon's hybrid.

"aw you two go have fun" Nayeon said. Y/N felt a bit jealous after all she loved this fluffy bunny.

Jungkook ran upstairs while Nayeon lead her to the kitchen where the other girls were eating and chatting.

"Y/N!" Sana said waving. "yes! Unnie is here!" Tzuyu said hugging Y/N.

"aish you guys it's not like we haven't seen each other in years!" Y/N said laughing at her friends.

"but it's no fun without you around" Mina said "Nayeon unnie is no fun" Tzuyu said.

"yah! I will really never give you a Christmas gift" Nayeon said pouting.

"so who's your crush?" Momo asked Nayeon she blushed and hit her with a pillow.

suddenly the ground shook. It was an earthquake.

"EVERYONE OUT OF THE HOUSE!" Nayeon yelled pulling Sana behind her who was screaming at the top of her lungs.

the two hybrids upstairs were alarmed Nayeon's hybrid  jumped out of the window and landed on the groud not hurt at all.

Jungkook on the other hand was scared and didn't know what to do he was scared of heights unlike Nayeon's bunny hybrid  so he didn't really wan to jump off the window.

"my bunny!" Y/N said running back inside she ran upstairs and grabbed  a trembling bunny boy and ran back downstairs to the garden.

"k-kookie s-scared g-ground m-moving..." Jungkook said trembling and crying.

she hugged him and told him to stop crying he nodded and she wiped his tears and smiled.

"don't worry okay? It's stopping now" Y/N said the earthquake already has stopped and Jungkook buried his face.

"o-okay p-please n-no leave kookie kookie scared if Y/N leaves him" he said sniffling.

"cheer up" Y/N said Nayeon and the other headed inside Y/N and Jungkook followed as well.

"here Jungkookie! So you won't feel so scared anymore" Sana said handing him a bunch of fresh baby carrots.

Jungkook cutely squealed and started nibbling on them like the bunny he is Y/N smiled at his cuteness.

Jungkook ate them all afterwards he let out a cute burp.

"hey guys let's watch a drama now" Nayeon said sitting on the couch as the other girls did the same. She played a show called "what's wrong with Secretary Kim?"

"wah I like this show" Tzuyu said stuffing popcorn in her mouth as she and Chaeyoung shared blankets.

Jungkook cutely snuggled in the same blanket with Y/N and suddenly his cute snores filled the room.

"aish sleep well bun" Y/N said hugging him while watching the show.


UWU ❤️

my cute bunny boy // JungkookXreaderWhere stories live. Discover now