65 (fin)

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Jungkook was feeling down. Really really down since he saw Y/N with Soobin earlier.

He was soaked from head to toe from the rain and was too sad to change and clean himself up.

he heard the door opening slowly

"Jungkookie?" "hey..." Y/N said.

Jungkook buried himself in a stuffed animal.

"hey what happened? You aren't usually like this kookie...come on tell me you don't neee to keep it in okay?" She said in a soothing tone. Jungkook sighed and calmed down a bit.

"k-kookly j-jelly" he said slowly moving closer to her. "v-very j-jelly" "s-sugar jelly"

Y/N knew what he ment as soon as he said that. Sugar jelly ment he was very jealous. And she knew what he was jealous about.

"is it about Soobin?" She asked him he showed some tears and nodded. She knew how sensitive hybrids are with their owners.

"it's okay...he tried to kiss me and he did but i didnt think anything of it and to be honest kookie I didn't like it at all...it was so sudden" she said sighing "please don't feel bad now okay? I'm sorry I shouldn't have gone" she then hugged him tight and he smiled a bit.

"it's o-okie kookie u-understand" he said and buried his face on her shoulder.

"he's just a good friend okay? I hope he realizes that I don't want to be with him in the way he wants" she said rubbing Jungkook's back.

"o-okay s-sowwy kookie c-cry m-make Y/N worry..." he quietly said she shook her head and said "no don't worry I was worried but don't ever say sorry for that alright?" He nodded.

"I promise I won't ever leave you...you're too precious to me and I really love you" she said kissing his forehead lightly. He blushed and giggled.

"i-I wub too..." Jungkook said then he let out a small squeal then hugged Y/N tightly.

"summer is starting soon and I want to spend time with you alright? So don't be jealous anymore" she said laughing "but I like it when you're jealous it's quite cute kookie"

"hmph Kookie weally weally hates you" he said tickling her. Y/N laughed while telling him to stop.

"yahhhh noo! Be a good bunny!" She said while laughing. He was laughing at her misery such a good hybrid.

"hmph Y/N dweserve fwor mwaking kwookie sad and jelly hmph" he said crossing his arms.

"yah yah yah don't be annoyed come here yah!" She said tickling him back. "I already said sorry yahhh" she said

"hmph nwooooo! Fwinee" he said while laughing "stwopp" she then stopped then they both laid down next to each other.

"I really love you and appreciate you being here kookie...you're the sweetest thing ever and probably the best thing that happened to my life" she said smiling while hugging his arm.

"k-kookie...I-I too..." he said cutely trying to find his words and to adress himself in first person. "I-I love you too..." he said. "I-I'm your cute bunny boy"


LAST CHAPTER :((( DONT WORRY ILL HAVE THE SEQUEL UP TOMORROW LOVE YALL THANKS FOR SUPPORTING THIS STORY EVEN IF IT TAKES AWHILE TO UPDATE HUHU SORRY ABOUT THAT. Also hint : the squel takes place in summer but it has a mix of horror in it (but still equally fluffy) I LOVE YALL

my cute bunny boy // JungkookXreaderWhere stories live. Discover now