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Y/N woke up the next morning feeling there was something or someone beside her.

"Ah!!!" She screamed waking Jungkook up. he blushed and shyly hid himself under the covers of the bed.

"sorry" he said shyly. Y/N took a deep breath scolding herself for shouting and scaring the bunny.

"It's okay I was just shocked" she said "get dressed since Hoseok and Taehyung are coming over to play"

"okay! Kookie will just get dressed" he said running to the closet and grabbed some clothes and slipped on a white hoodie and jeans.

"awww that's oversized" Y/N said "but kookie likes it" he said Y/N smiled then the doorbell rang.

Yoongi was cleaning the hybrid cages smiling for the first time ever. Memories from his date with Minji.


Yoongi took a deep breath while waiting for his date to arrive he stared at the seat in front of him thinking maybe she won't come...

"hi sorry I was late" a voice said knocking him out of his thoughts.

"Minji it's alright" he said then an awkward silence took the both of them. Yoongi faked a cough.

"what do you want to order?" He asked Minji she pointed to something on the menu. "I'm sort of on diet" she said smiling.

"oh...I never thought of that" he said as the waiter took their order. The waiter then winked at Minji after taking down orders He shot a glare at the waiter.

"Jealous?" Minji said laughing he blushed red. "N-no I just don't like people who are like that" he said mentally cursing to himself. Ugh stop stuttering Min Yoongi! He thought.

when the food arrived they chatted about random things. Yoongi knew now that she went to school with Y/N and Chaerin. He told her about his being an all boys school and his part time job after school.

"how's Lisa?" Yoongi asked

"she's been nice always keeping me company and she loves to rap a lot"  Minji said Yoongi smiled remembering when he taught Lisa how to rap in his free time at the store.  Yoongi paid for the food even if Minji refused.

Suddenly Minji's phone rang she quickly answered it. "oh it was my father I have to go thankyou for the date lets do it again sometime" she said.

"sure I'll text you?" He asked she nodded and left waving to Yoongi he smiled his gummy smile after all it was his first date little did he know it was hers too.

I miss you Minji he thought.


Y/N opened the door and was greeted by Euntae and her puppy hybrid who was really hyper and was smiling all the time.

"please come in" Y/N said "and ignore Jin he's on his dramas again"

"I see" Euntae said laughing. Hoseok was going around sniffing for danger he wanted to protect his owner. He sniffs a bunny and a cat? Both hybrids he thought.

he even sniffed 10 girls in the living room. (the living room is big)

"aww who's this cutie?" Nayeon said petting Hoseok he wasen't used to other people since he and Euntae spend time together alone exept when Namjoon is there of course.

"I'm Hoseok" he said smiling Nayeon smiled back and brought him to the rest of the girls.

"Guyseuuu look at this adorable puppy hybrid!" She said the others smiled and went towards him saying things like 'aww' and 'so cute!!'

"Kookie wants attention too!" Jungkook said pouting Y/N smiled and hugged her hybrid as Taehyung went to play with Hobi.

"it's okay you got me right?" Y/N said he nodded against her chest feeling butterflies in his stomach again.

"Kookie's stomach feels weird" he said "mine too strange huh?" She said

I'm in love with my bunny boy... she thought.


Awwwwww lmao I was bored so the chapter came out earlier then I expected

Pls check out my new story I would love if you'd read it thank you ❤️ thank you for your support in this book it's almost 6k thank you smmmm

Pls check out my new story I would love if you'd read it thank you ❤️ thank you for your support in this book it's almost 6k thank you smmmm

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