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after awhile of playing games Yoongi told Jimin he wanted to go back home.

"Jimin it's nice playing with you I'm going home now okay?" He said.

"oh sure do you want me to go with you?" Jimin asked wanting to spend a little more time with Yoongi for some reasons.

"no it's alright chim nice being friends with you" he said leaving the house one word was in Jimin's mind when he left.


Only friends.

Nothing more nothing less.

Jimin sighed and went up to his room where Taehyung was busy playing with a ball of white yarn.

"hyungie! You're back! How was Yoonie hyung?" Taehyung said smiling.

"he was fine" Jimin said sighing.

"what's wrong Jiminie hyung?" Taehyung asked confused why Jimin his owner was feeling down today usually on most days he would go to Taehyung and play with him with that energy he always had.

"I'm just sad Taehyungie don't worry" he said

"who made you sad? Is it Yoonie hyung?!" Taehyung said growling with his claws sticking out from his hands.

"yes but it's okay Taehyungie" he said reassuring the cat hybird.

"it's not okay hyung! He's making you upset!" Taehyung said Jimin hugged the hybrid.

"thank you for caring" Jimin said a tear slipping down his cheek from his eye.


back in Y/N's house she was making lunch for Jungkook who was very hungry.

"kookie can't wait anymore" he said pouting looking at the food hungry.

"aish just wait a minute or two I'm still slicing this" Y/N said chopping some carrots Jungkook cheekily got a  handful and placed them in his mouth and smiled cutely.

"Jungkookie!" Y/N said laughing "you're so cute just wait next time okay?" She continued.

"okay Y/N" he said munching on his food.

"you're really so cute I'm going to die!" Y/N said feeding him food the bunny hybrid who gladly accepted the food and opened his mouth wide.

"thank youu" the hybrid said hugging Y/N she kissed his forehead softly and gently which brought a blush to his cheeks


Short update sorry I'm busy right noww😭

my cute bunny boy // JungkookXreaderWhere stories live. Discover now