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Jungkook was sitting on the couch hating the fact that Hoseok was getting more attention then him.

"Kookie wants attention too" he said in a small voice Y/N smiled and reassured him that he was going to get attention later.

"look at what Hobi can do!" Sana said squealing at Hoseok's cuteness. He had done some cute dance moves with Nayeon's music.

"hmmmm Kookie can dance too" he said

"lets have a dance battle then" Hoseok said smiling at Jungkook who was more than ready to have a dance battle.

so the dance battle began. The song was 'Likey' the girls thought they were too cute dancing to that song.

"awww you both win" Sana said Jungkook pouted. "but Kookie was better" he said

"aish I was better" Hoseok said and the two kept fighting a lot until Dahyun, Mina and Tzuyu brought snacks.

"food!" Hoseok said followed by the two other hybrids. Y/N and the Twice girls laughed at them it was so cute. After their snack the active hybrids ran towards the backyard since Jungkook said there was toys there.

My cute bunny boy. Y/N thought.

Jin was in the grocery store shopping for some things his mother asked him to.

"eggs, milk? ugh what else?" He said annoyed he couldn't watch his drama since it was on right now.

after he gathered all the things he needed he proceeded to check out. The line was very long he felt his phone beep in his pocket.

From : Y/N

jinnie oppa!!! We're having a party hurry up!!! I need more ingredients me Sana and Chaerin r making cookies!

To : Y/N

the line is very long............be more patient or I'll make you come here

From : Y/N


To : Y/N

My dramas playing and I'm missing it because of you pabo. 😭

From : Y/N

Whatever just get here

He rolled his eyes and placed his phone in his pocket when he noticed a girl in front of him she was having problems.

"miss you still need to pay ₩8,000 the cashier said "oh I'm so sorry I just forgot my purse at home and I need to get these now so is it possible if I can pay it tomorrow?" She asked

"sorry miss you cant I need to ask you to move out of the line we have other people in line" the cashier said

"I understand" she said and she was about to leave when Jin stepped in front of the cashier.

"I'll pay for her things as well" he said the girl looked shocked the cashier nodded and Jin paid for the girl's groceries.

"thankyou so much!" She said as they walked out of the store. Jin smiled at her.

"Oppa give me your adress I'll pay you back" she said Jin shook his head and said it was fine.

"it's alright since I was the one who insisted" he said the girl nodded hestitantly. Jin gave her his number after learning her name was Soohyun.

"thank you again oppa!" She said smiling before she left she pecked Jin's cheek which made them both blush.

I like her...he thought.


Wahhhh the first version was deleted by wattpadddd 😭

my cute bunny boy // JungkookXreaderWhere stories live. Discover now