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Jungkook didn't like to be left with someone so he kept holding Y/N's arm and shaking his head when he was told to stay.

"Its okay Kookie I'm just going to school I'm not leaving forever" Y/N said

"go play with Taehyung" she said but the bunny boy refused to let go and kept clinging to her.

"go inside and be good or I'm not giving you carrots" she said.

"okay K-Kookie will go inside but only because his owner said so" Jungkook said letting Y/N go whimpering then going inside

"Taehyung was more clingy yesterday" Chaerin said.

"where's Jimin? We have to go befre we're late" Seokjin said.

"he says he has a fever. But I think its just because he wants to stay home with Taehyung" Chaerin said rolling her eyes.

"aish let him be for today but tomorrow I'm dragging him out of the house wether he wants to or not" Jin said "lets go or we'll be late to school"

Y/N and Chaerin nodded before Chaerin went and hugged Taehyung.

"I'll be home soon okay kitty?" She said scratching the back of his ears which she knew the cat hybrid liked because he purred when she did that.

Y/N also hugged Kookie and gave him a peck on his forehead. "I'll be back soon to take you shopping since oppa hates sharing his clothes" she said laughing a little bit.

Jungkook smiled his cute bunny smile at Y/N as she left for school.

Jungkook stayed in the corner of the room watching Taehyung play with a ball of yarn he didn't know if he could trust the cat hybrid after all... cats do eat bunnies.


Y/N entered the school and walked with Chaerin down the hallways they were chatting so much they didn't notice bumping into a random guy.

"aish" the guy said touching where it hurt.

"omo! I'm sorry" Y/N said helping the guy up.

"its fine... I'm Chanyeol if you don't know" he said (this for one of my friends who is an EXO-L)

"nice to meet you but we have to leave" Chaerin said knowing who this is... the school's playboy and kingka.

"whatever" he said walked off.

"yah Y/N don't go near him" Chaerin said "besides he has a girlfriend... Euntae"

"i get the message rinnie unnie" she said "lets go to class oppa already went ahead" Chaerin nodded.


at the Park's Jimin was playing with the hybrids happy to have some boys in the house since his sister never does anything with him.

he gives Kookie a carrot to lure him out of the corner.

Kookie starts to nibble on the carrot. "cute" Jimin said.

Taehyung mewls wanting attention from Jimin as well.

"aish I didn't forget about you Taehyungie" Jimin said smile reaching his eyes.

after awhile of playing with the hybrids Jimin told Kookie that the girls were going to be back anytime soon.

"if Y/N will be back then Kookie will he waiting at the door" he said cutely and ran towards the door sitting down staring at it.

"kookie lets make it a contest first one to jump on their owner wins" Taehyung said smiling the playful cat loves to be competitive.

Jungkook nods just then the door opens and Jungkook immediately jumps on Y/N who fell over. Kookie kept licking her face.

"awww missed me?" Y/N said smiling at him "we're going shopping with Chaerin and Taehyung so you better behave okay?"

"kookie promises to be good" he said as Taehyung squealed begging Chaerin for a collar.


they arrived at the mall along with Seokjin and Jimin who were joking around with each other.

they entered the hybrid section there were clothes, pills, toys, collars and leashes for hybrids.

Jungkook and Y/N picked out clothes that looked cute on Kookie and and a collar with a bell on it.

"kookie hungry" he said "of course we'll eat I love you you know that"

Kookie loves you too he thought.

my cute bunny boy // JungkookXreaderWhere stories live. Discover now