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Jungkook was annoyed at the name, he was invited by Nayeon to talk with them outside after school and he was very very jelly.

"I choreographed this dance the other day" he said showing the girls a video on his phone.

Jungkook puffed out his cheeks hissing.

"is he okay?" Sana asked Y/N.

"yes I think so he isn't usually like this though" Y/N replied unsure of what was wrong.

"are you okay Jungkookie?" Y/N said.

"Kookie is fine" he said still annoyed.

"okay then" Y/N said turning back to Soobin's video.

Noooooo! Stop Y/N only look at kookie! He Thought.

"that's really impressive it must have took awhile to choreograph the whole song" she said

"well it takes effort but the results are what counts" he said smiling. Then he ruffled Jungkook's hair.

"nwo touch kookie!" He said hissing again.

"yah Jungkook calm down" Y/N said. "I'm sorry about him I really don't know why he's upset" she said apologizing to Soobin.

"it's fine I also have a hybird at home and usually she acts this way when she's...." Soobin. "ah I see" he continued.

"she's what?" Jihyo said.

"nothing nothing just forget about what I said" he said smiling.

"oh alright" Y/N said. Jungkook was still pretty much jealous.

"let's go home now Jungkookie" Y/N said.

"nwo!" He said "kookie walking hwome himself later" he continued still very stubborn.

"fine but you better be home by 5 got that?" She said sighing then walking off.

"hmph!" Jungkook exclaimed.

when Y/N's friends left for home also and only Soobin was left he went towards the stubborn and jealous bunny.

"hey there" Soobin said.

"hmph! Nwo talk to kookie!" He said pouting.

"I already know you're jealous that I'm talking to Y/N" Soobin said. "I have a cat hybrid named Yeji" he said. "seriously don't worry about me stealing her I won't"

"oh...sorry Kookie was really jelly" he said cutely.

"no problem" Soobin said "I guess I'll see you tomorrow you better calm down from your trantrum soon" he said laughing while ruffling the hybrid's hair.

"you're a big meanie" Jungkook said whining.

"it's because I'm taller that you bun" he said laughing while walking away waving goodbye to Jungkook.

Jungkook smiled and waved back even if he still felt annoyed because Soobin was really tall.

Meanie I'm cuter than you. He thought.


Kookie's jealousies hehehehe sorry for not updating I was super busy with school :( I'll try to update more

my cute bunny boy // JungkookXreaderWhere stories live. Discover now