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Jungkook was smiling awfully wide today.

that's because he woke up to Y/N's pretty face and he couldn't stop blushing on how their lips were too close to each other.

Just like a scene from one of his Jinnie hyung's dramas. It felt so nice and his heart fluttered every time the moment came up in his mind.

well today Jungkook was walking to gym class and he was still smiling from the moment that morning.


5:21 am

Jungkook's big eyes fluttered awake.

He yawned a bit and when he was fully awake all he saw was.

Y/N's face so close to his, her pinkish lips way too close to his.

He didn't know how it happened but since he was sick yesterday all he remembers is that she wrapped her arms around him and they cuddled for him to feel much better.

Well he must have moved a lot last night. He thought.

He blushed red, he cutely surpressed a squeal and then closed his eyes and pecked her lips before jumping out of the bed in happiness and getting dressed singing cute girl group love songs.

End of flashback

Jungkook sat on the bleachers cutely still thinking of the moment that morning that made his heart flutter so much.

"Jeon!" The teacher yelled out for the 5th time.

"JEON JUNGKOOK!" The teacher yelled again since Jungkook wasen't paying close attention.

"y-yes?" He said snapping back to reality.

"it's your turn to play now" the teacher said he nodded and apologized while blushing.

"sowwy I was stwill sweepy~" he did a cute aegyo since his gym class teacher always forgave him after that.

"fine" the teacher said.

They were playing basketball and Jungkook being shorter than the rest can barely grab the ball. (only in this fanfic he's not short quite tall actually but the other boys are just taller than him)

He finally had the ball in his small delicate hands.

until Cha Eunwoo grabbed it from him then stroked his hair.

They were friends but Jungkook just gets jealous of his height.

"meanie!" He yelled and tried to run after him like the game would require.

Nwoo Kookie have short lwegs! He thought.

He wasen't too short but he was really about 3 inches shorter than Eunwoo.

the game ended and Jungkook's cheeks were puffed out and slightly reddish from prespiring too much because of the running he had to do.

"nice game shorty" Eunwoo said slightly laughing. jungkook pouted.

"nwoo you're the bwiggest mweanie ever! Kookie was supposed to have hwis first shoot!" He said randomly throwing tiny punches on Eunwoo's arm.

"aish that's cute but it can't hurt me" Eunwoo said snickering and then ruffling the annoyed bunny's hair.

"nwooo!" Jungkook said whining.

"you're too cute yah. Stop it already" Eunwoo said laughing and then continued on taunting Jungkook who was getting annoyed already.

Kwookie wants kwiss moment back. He thought pouting since he hated being teased.


Heyyy guys sorry long time no updates I had a problem on Wattpad and had to reset the password but now it's ok! No worries :)

my cute bunny boy // JungkookXreaderWhere stories live. Discover now