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after the fire happened Namjoon and Eunha stayed away from each other well it was Eunha who stayed away from Namjoon avoiding him.

Namjoon was sick of her avoiding him he couldn't even believe that he liked her she was someone who never even cared for him.

Love works in mysterious ways. Namjoon thought to himself

all the students had a quiz in class that day and Namjoon wasen't nervous with a high IQ and all his studying he previous night he is sure that he'll get good marks for his test today.

Eunha on the other hand was nervous since if she fails again she might get her grades lower not that she actually cared but because if she gets expelled her mother won't be happy at all.

"class please turn your worksheets now and start the test you have 30 minutes to answer when I say pens up time's over now start" the teacher said and immedietly all the students started working.

Exept Eunha.

Namjoon took notice of this and sighed even though it was really wrong but he decided to help her with the test

he got his eraser and since he was nearly done with the test he scribbled all the answers down on it and threw it to her desk it landed perfectly.

Eunha was shocked and when she saw thw answers on it she thought that it was sweet of him to think of her.

wait what am I thinking? Namjoon is a top student and way beyond my league. She thought her smile completely faded.

moments later the teacher called out "raise your pens times up!" Eunha surprisingly finished everything on time and she smiled at namjoon.

You have a pretty smile don't hide it. He thought also returning a smile to her.


after school Y/N took Jungkook to a school that teaches manners for Hybrids.

"Y/N why are you taking kookie here?" Jungkook asked.

"well you shouldn't run off like that and you need some proper manners okay?" She said to the hybrid who seems bored.

"fwine but only because Y/N said so Kookie will go here but don't leave Kookie after this session ends okay?" Jungkook said with his puppy eyes out. Y/N nodded and kisses his forehead.

"see you later" she said he kissed her and she blushed they said goobye and Y/N went off to the house.

Kookue hates it when Y/N leaves. He thought with a cute pout on his lips.


Sorry long time no update! Btw who's excited for LY ANSWER??!!!!! IM DYING HERE 😂

my cute bunny boy // JungkookXreaderWhere stories live. Discover now